Monday, January 14, 2013

Life's Little Things

It's the little things in life that matter most. Those small moments often become our fondest memories. The simple gifts become our favorite treasures. Often times we rush through life wanting the next biggest thing. Maybe it's a new iPhone, a new video game, or the next great concert. But what about a classic story from your grandpa? A family game night? Catching up with an old friend? Or maybe it's curling up with your favorite book, watching the sunset, or hearing a bird sing. Many times it's these memories that we hold onto the longest.

It's time to be content with the simple things of life. Take time and enjoy the little things! It doesn't have to change the course of your entire life. Another way to think of this concept of life's little things is just to count your blessings. I have a special jar sitting by my bed that I like to call my blessings jar. I don't use it near as often as I should. God has given me so much in my life. This is just one way to thank Him for all the little things that happen throughout the day. There is so much I could put in that jar:

  • He woke me up this morning.
  • He gives me the ability to walk down the stairs.
  • He gave me a little sister to watch Disney princess movies with.
  • He provided my mom and dad with jobs to provide for us.
  • I have family that lives nearby that I can have lunch with.

I could go on and on. But this blog will just be about the little things that happen in my life. It will probably include all things random! Here are some idea of things I'll be sharing:

  • Crafts I've tried (I love all things crafty!)
  • Devotional Thoughts (I love my Jesus!)
  • Organizational ideas  (I attempt to be organized most of the time.)
  • How to thoughts (Maybe how to get the most out of simple things.)
And if you have something you'd like to ask me, go for it! Just stay posted!