Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This summer at camp the counselors would have meetings each morning. In our meetings, Thursday became known as "Thankful Thursday." We would go around and each say something that we are thankful for. What better way to start out one of the hardest days of the week?

You know how Thursdays can be. You've been going hard and strong all week. You're tired. Is it Friday yet? No. You just want a break. What better time is there to be thankful?

So, for the first Thankful Thursday on my blog, I'm thankful for time. Time is one of the greatest gifts. It's what allows us to get things accomplished, to invest in other people, to create memories. It guides us throughout the whole day. 

Sometimes, it's easy to get frustrated with time. It seems like there's never enough! But God gives us exactly the time that we need. He's the one who created it! Isn't it great to know that He is in control? We don't have to worry about the amount of time we've been given because we really don't know. We just have to use wisely what God has give us. I'm so thankful for the time God has given me today. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Faithful to Fail

Recently, I've been reminded of my own failures. I get up and get going throughout my day soon to realize I spent no time with Jesus this morning. I say an unkind word. I think the worst of someone. I'm not loving God or others the way I ought to be. What happened? How did I forget? Everything was going great just a few days ago! 

Over and over again I realize that I am consistently faithful in one area:


I make mistakes. I forget about my Savior. I lack faith. I disobey. I sin.

But God...

He never makes mistakes. He never forgets about me. He loves me even when I run from Him. He is waiting with open arms when I come back just like the story of the Prodigal Son. He never fails. 

We can be assured in the hope of God's faithfulness. He will never let us down. He is always faithful to you and me. When it seems like all you do is fail, rest in the faithfulness of God. 

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22-23

Saturday, October 26, 2013

7 Reasons to Love Being Home

It's so easy to get caught up with school and friends...especially in your teenage years! A lot of times we don't even realize what we're missing until we're gone. This was so true of me when I went to college. Before college, I was a social butterfly. I was practically never at home because of school, sports, and friends. But when you leave, you realize all of the reasons that being at home is absolutely the best place to be!

1. Family - These are the people who will always love you and will always be there for you. God planned them just for you. Yes, you'll have your differences and "discussions," but you'll learn to look past them and enjoy all the time that you have.

2. Your own bed - Can you feel it right now? You slip under the covers and just breathe a deep sigh. It's so perfect. 

3. Home-cooked food - This girl loves food, and it's just nice to have the real deal. My college's food is great, but there's nothing like Mom's chicken and baked potatoes. 

4. Sounds - Can you hear the crickets outside your window? The dog is barking next door. The air conditioning unit powers up and down. Pitter-pattering feet and giggles makes everything seem just right. 

5. Free wifi - oh, yes. There's nothing like the freedom of your own internet and no cell phone data charges.

6. Bare feet - The one place you'll take off your shoes and socks and not really worry about who or what's been there. 

7. Weather - It just feels just right at home. It may be hot and sunny; it may be cold and wet. Whatever it is it's familiarity brings you back to that place of comfort. 

I think all of my things can be summed up in one word: comfort. I'm just at ease, comfortable. These are just a few of the things that I always miss at school. What are some of yours? What makes home home to you?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Just One Word

If you could only use one word to describe salvation, what would it be? 

I was asked this question by a friend once, and I had to think for a few moments before I finally decided on one.


I really could stop there. 

To me, salvation means freedom from sin, guilt, and shame. It means freedom from death and hell, separation from God forever. It means having the ablity to do right. It means I'm not a slave anymore, but a servant to Jesus, the kindest Master in the world. I am free to live for Him!

Have you ever sat down and thought about what Jesus gave to you when He saved you? Just try and see how many things you can come up with. You can look for a list here later this week!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Shocking News

"Did you see the clothing that those girls are wearing? It is so immodest!"

"Did you hear the language that man was using in line?"

"Did you see them drinking and partying all weekend long? How is that ok?"

A lot of times we have this kind of judgmental attitude towards unsaved people. Being constantly in a Christian environment makes it that much easier. We get so used to seeing girls dressed properly, people speaking kind words, and students behaving with self-control. We forget that this is the way that Christians are supposed to live. Why? Because it is our "reasonable service" to live for Christ (Romans 12:1). 

So, why are we so shocked that unbelievers live in ways that are not pleasing to God? Why are we shocked at immodest clothing? Why is their language so offensive? Why do we judge them for living the only way they know how? Isn't that the way they are supposed to act? 

They don't know any better. This is why they need Christ. 

If you take a look at Christ's relationship with the people he ministered to in the Gospels, you will see not an attitude of condemnation, but an attitude of compassion. Jesus went to the people and built relationships. He didn't tell them what horrible, wicked sinners they were. He loved them. 

This truth was shown to me in my Bible class this week, and to tell you the truth, I've never thought about it like this before. We should not be ruining the name of Christ by judging and condemning; we should be building relationships by having compassion, encouraging others to draw closer to Christ, not run farther away from Him.

We, as Christians, have the greatest responsibility in the world - to show Christ's love to a loveless world. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reading Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are probably every little girl's favorite kind of story. Princess is in distress. Prince rescues Princess. Prince and Princess fall in love. Prince and Princess get married and live happily ever after. I think that a lot of times we have a tendency to read the Old Testament stories like fairy tails. We read them and think, "Oh, that's nice," or "Oh, that's so sad." But we don't think about the fact that these stories are true. We don't realize that these are real people with real feelings. They face the same struggles you face every day!

This semester at school, I've been picking up on my study of the five women in the line of Christ. Right now, I have the privilege of studying Bathsheba. Most of you are probably familiar with her story. She was what we would consider David's biggest sin. But what an amazing story she has! I would challenge you to take are few minutes and think about these questions concerning her life. Don't look at David and Bathsheba's story as a fairy tale gone wrong. Think about her emotions as a real woman going through the whole situation. How did it affect her?

     First, read 2 Samuel 11-12 and 1 Kings 1. This covers the whole story!
     Could Bathsheba have stopped David from sinning? 
     Could she have at least stood up for what's right?
     Why did she continue to hide their sin from her husband?
     How did Bathsheba respond when Uriah was killed?
     Did she know that David murdered her husband?
     Soon, she was not just one wife, but one of many wives. How was it living with the other women?
     Was she judged by the other wives?
     What did she go through when she lost her first child?
     How did God restore His relationship with Bathsheba?
     How did she deal with all the family turmoil even after she was forgiven?
     How was Bathsheba blessed in the end?

Looking at Bathsheba's story in this way gave me a new perspective on how I study Bible characters. Do I see them as real people who are able to make the same decisions and mistakes that I would? Am I too quick to judge them for their wrong actions? Do I understand that these people are not just part of my favorite fairy tale? Am I studying these characters for the real people that they are. 

25 Things Every Teenage Girl Should Know

1. God loves you. Always. More than anyone else ever will.
2. That guy just isn't worth it. I promise. And if he's the one, he can wait till later. He will still be there.
3. Your friends are going to come and go, but your family will always be there. Spend time with them. Tell them and show them you love them.
4. Your mom is usually right. Even though you don't like to admit it, she knows what she's talking about. She was a teenage girl once. Trust her.
5. You don't have to be cool. Be yourself. Let others see how beautiful you are.
6. Your sense of style is going to change. What you think looks good now definitely won't later. Ahem. Junior high pictures.
7. Eat good food now! While you're playing sports and not putting on weight. Don't worry about losing pounds. Soon, you'll be in college.
8. Mean girls are hurting too. Try killing them with kindness.
9. You'll be surprised at how far a kind hand-written note goes. 
10. Girls groups are the way to go. No boys. 
11. Go for the classic look. The trendy stuff is expensive and not popular for very long. Refer to number 6. 
12. The little things are the most special things. Notes, small gifts, laughter, bus rides. Write the good memories down. 
13. Each day is a new day. A new opportunity to start over. Soak it all in. 
14. Don't drink coffee first hour. Your friends will not understand your sudden bursts of energy. 
15. Smile. People will always remember it. 
16. Be smart. Yes, study. Guys actually like girls with brains. And it'll definitely pay off when you get to college. Hey, you might even get to skip some classes. Take a pass on the ditsy act. 
17. You're never too old to have a slumber party. Or to color. It's one of the most relaxing things in the entire world. 
18. Love the unlovable. They need a good friend more than you need yours. You'll be surprised at how much you learn from the unlikely friends. 
19. Underclassmen are always watching you. They want to be just like you, so do the little kids. Don't mess it up for them. 
20. Read Lies Young Women Believe. It will change your life. Also, follow their blog. You'll find that there are girls just like you!
21. Skip the sappy romance novels and movies. Love doesn't work like that. You want something that's real. 
22. Make good habits now. Exercise, eat healthy, good sleep patterns, reading your Bible. You won't do it later. 
23. Try the other things like choir, band, and academic clubs. Yeah, they may seem nerdy, but singing, instruments, and knowledge last a whole lot longer than athletic ability. 
24. Learn to get up right when your alarm goes off. It will keep you from oversleeping and rushing. 
25. Seek God's will. It doesn't necessarily matter what you're doing or what everyone else is doing. Do what God wants you to do right now.