1. God loves you. Always. More than anyone else ever will.
2. That guy just isn't worth it. I promise. And if he's the one, he can wait till later. He will still be there.
3. Your friends are going to come and go, but your family will always be there. Spend time with them. Tell them and show them you love them.
4. Your mom is usually right. Even though you don't like to admit it, she knows what she's talking about. She was a teenage girl once. Trust her.
5. You don't have to be cool. Be yourself. Let others see how beautiful you are.
6. Your sense of style is going to change. What you think looks good now definitely won't later. Ahem. Junior high pictures.
7. Eat good food now! While you're playing sports and not putting on weight. Don't worry about losing pounds. Soon, you'll be in college.
8. Mean girls are hurting too. Try killing them with kindness.
9. You'll be surprised at how far a kind hand-written note goes.
10. Girls groups are the way to go. No boys.
11. Go for the classic look. The trendy stuff is expensive and not popular for very long. Refer to number 6.
12. The little things are the most special things. Notes, small gifts, laughter, bus rides. Write the good memories down.
13. Each day is a new day. A new opportunity to start over. Soak it all in.
14. Don't drink coffee first hour. Your friends will not understand your sudden bursts of energy.
15. Smile. People will always remember it.
16. Be smart. Yes, study. Guys actually like girls with brains. And it'll definitely pay off when you get to college. Hey, you might even get to skip some classes. Take a pass on the ditsy act.
17. You're never too old to have a slumber party. Or to color. It's one of the most relaxing things in the entire world.
18. Love the unlovable. They need a good friend more than you need yours. You'll be surprised at how much you learn from the unlikely friends.
19. Underclassmen are always watching you. They want to be just like you, so do the little kids. Don't mess it up for them.
20. Read Lies Young Women Believe. It will change your life. Also, follow their blog. You'll find that there are girls just like you!
21. Skip the sappy romance novels and movies. Love doesn't work like that. You want something that's real.
22. Make good habits now. Exercise, eat healthy, good sleep patterns, reading your Bible. You won't do it later.
23. Try the other things like choir, band, and academic clubs. Yeah, they may seem nerdy, but singing, instruments, and knowledge last a whole lot longer than athletic ability.
24. Learn to get up right when your alarm goes off. It will keep you from oversleeping and rushing.
25. Seek God's will. It doesn't necessarily matter what you're doing or what everyone else is doing. Do what God wants you to do right now.