Confession time. I don’t have it all
together. I just don’t. I struggle in my life. I have sin issues. I have fights
with my siblings and parents. I have friend problems. I get completely
overwhelmed and stressed out.
I am a sinner.
But I know Someone great. I know Someone who is bigger,
better, best. I know Someone perfect. I don’t have it all together, but God
You know what? He is just awesome. He doesn't sin. He
doesn't argue. He doesn't stress. He’s just got it all together. And not just
the things that you might think concern Him because the things that concern Him
are the things that concern you. He loves you. He’s a God of the details.
I've been recently reading in Exodus, and I just got to the
Ten Commandments and all the other laws. Good grief! Talk about meticulous. To
think that the Israelites had to do all that. Talk about stressing out. But God
didn't. The details matter to Him. He had all his ducks in a row so to speak.
He knew exactly what His plan was. And one day, He would do away with these
laws by paying the ultimate sacrifice Himself.
You see, He had a purpose. He had a plan for all these
little details, and He has a plan for all the little details of your life. When
it seems like you’re falling apart and you don’t know what to do, run to the
God who is in charge of and cares about all of those little details. He won’t
let you down.