Monday, March 31, 2014

Missing God

Have you ever really missed someone? It's really not been that long since you've talked to him. Just a few days. You just wish you could see him again. It feels like it's been forever, but it's only been a week! You just want to sit down and talk to him face to face.

We value our relationships with other people so, so much.

But have you ever just missed God?

It hasn't really been that long since you've talked to Him. Just a few days. You wish you could see Him again. It feels like it's been forever, but it's only been a week! You just want to sit down and talk to Him face to face.

Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

I just love this verse because it tells me that I don't have to go around missing God. He says that He is there, and when I search for Him, I will find Him. I can find Him in His Word. I can find Him in prayer. I can find His hand in all kinds of little ways throughout my day.

You know, we may not be able to sit across from the coffee table with God face to face right now. But He did let us know that He is right there for us all the time. And one day, hopefully soon, we will be able to talk to God face to face. If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will get to be with Him every day for...well, forever. You won't ever miss Him again.

Thursday, March 27, 2014



Hidden behind a mask.

Hidden behind a mask that only shows a smile.

Hidden behind a mask that only shows a smile but covers the hurting heart.

Stop. Take a look around. Look past the smiles. Look past the love of actors and actresses. Look past the obsession with boys bands and other popular artists. Look past the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Look past the quiet personality. Look past whatever is really there.

I think you will be shocked.

Christians are good at hiding things. We're expected to have a perfect life. Everything is beautiful. After all, we have the answer. Jesus. He is what makes someone truly happy. But how many people do you know that happiness is just their cover for hurting? The smile smothers the sorrow. And underneath, the sorrow only builds...until one day they can't find a way out.

So they turn to everything. Everything but Christ. They go to friends. They go to girls or guys. They go to a busy schedule. They go to sleep. They go to drinking. They go to drug addictions. They go to sexual sin. They go to a false happiness. They go to whatever fills the void.

Today, my challenge is simple. Just look at the people around you. We often get so caught up in our own problems that we don't see behind that girl's smile. She's laughing with her friends, but her heart is lonely; she longs for something more. Look beyond that guy's joke with his friends. He just wants to be accepted by someone. Look past the face value.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering the sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. - Luke 4:18

Monday, March 24, 2014

Even on a Monday

Sometimes, it's good just to take some time to be thankful. Actually, the Bible says we're supposed to give thanks in everything! (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

P.S. - That means even on a Monday...

I know I've done this before, but I just want to take a time to list a few things that I'm thankful for today. It's good to remember every thing that God has given, done, and been for you.

  1. God is everything to me.
  2. I can talk to Him about anything; even if I tell Him the same thing a million times, He will still listen! 
  3. My mom and dad and my siblings (Really missing them! Is it time to go home yet?)
  4. A bottom bunk at college
  5. My friend, Taryn, who is helping me learn guitar
  6. The accessibility of God's Word. It's always right there for me to read.
  7. God is always there for me even though I'm not always there for Him.
  8. An easy class schedule this semester
  9. The internet (Reading blogs and other articles is definitely a favorite pastime!)
  10. The gift of music (It's beautiful and relaxing. P.S. - I wonder what God sounds like when He sings. After all, He created singing.)
  11. For my friends that hang out with me :) I know they don't have to!
  12. Sleep...even though it seems to be lacking at this time of the school year.
  13. Sunshine (For Florida being "The Sunshine State," it rains a lot!)
  14. Softball and baseball
  15. March Madness...even if my bracket is ruined! 
  16. Stories. Who doesn't like a good story?
  17. Cleaning supplies. They make living somewhere a whole lot nicer (if you use them).
  18. Jewelry. Every girl needs a little glitz and glam. 
  19. Devices that tell time. Without watches, clocks, and phones, late would become the new normal.
  20. Christians who have overcome trials God's way. Read their testimonies.
  21. The s'mores treat in my grab 'n' go lunch today. It's the little things :)
  22. Smiles that brighten your whole day.

Alright, it's your turn! Yes, be thankful...even on a Monday.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lethal Christian Living

I'd like to introduce you to a man named Phinehas, Aaron's grandson. This man has quite the interesting story. It's fascinating, actually. Being familiar with Old Testament stories, this isn't necessarily one of those that you heard in Sunday School growing up, but I think it is so very important, and we can apply it very practically in our lives. You can find this story in Number 25. Please take some time to read it for yourself. Here is my summary:

Israel was in a mess. Many had turned to worship other gods, specifically the gods of Moab. Men were marrying the daughters of Moab and allowing them to bring these gods into their households; before long, these gods were worshiped instead of and along with the One True God. God was so displeased, so angry that He commanded all that worshiped Baalpeor (Moabite god) to be killed. He sent a plague on Israel.

After this event, an Israelite man still had the audacity to bring a Moabite with him into the camp before those who were weeping; he walked in front of "Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel" (v. 6). He took this woman to the tent. And one man, Phinehas, stood up for God. The Bible describes a gruesome scene (probably why it isn't told often in Sunday School). Phinehas goes after the man and the woman with his javelin and kills them.

The result: "the plague was stayed" (v. 8). Why? Because "he was zealous for My sake" (v. 11).

Phinehas had to take an extreme stand for God. A deadly stand for God. He swiftly and soundly cut off the problem. He gave no excuses. He gave no explanation. He stopped the problem. He loved God enough that He would not allow His name to be dishonored.

How many of us have a sin problem in our lives that needs to be drastically killed? How many times have we dishonored God in front of others with obvious problems in our lives? Our life needs to be filled with lethal Christian living. I think that we could all admit that there are some things in our life that just need to go. If we would only have the courage of Phinehas to cut off the sin in our lives, think about how much God could be glorified.

So, what needs to go? I'm not going to give any specifics; you probably already know. It's funny how God points out exactly what we need to fix. Take courage. Ask God for His strength to help you get rid of sin and choose right.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Arguing with Animals

If you think that God doesn't have a sense of humor, I would challenge you to read Numbers 22 and not laugh.

This chapter introduces us to a man named Balaam. He is a priest of God that doesn't listen to what God says. Balaam saddles up his donkey and rides off to go meet the men of Balak. God only told him to go if the men came to get him. The Bible tells us that God was angry at Balaam's disobedience. So God used the most unique tool to get Balaam's attention: his donkey.

God sent an angel in the donkey's path that only she could see. Picture it with me for a moment:

It was early in the morning; everyone's grumpy in the morning, right? Balaam is riding the donkey that's probably going slow anyway. His two servants are there, too. And all of the sudden the donkey turns off the path and walks straight into a field. "Wait, what? What is this stupid animal doing?" Balaam is beating the donkey to get her to go back, so she does. "Good girl," he grumbles. Later, they're crossing through a vineyard with a wall on one side. The donkey rams Balaam's foot into the wall. "Ah!" He screams...and beats the donkey again. The donkey's ears go back; she's about had it, but she keeps going. They go through a narrow place perhaps between two rocks; and she falls on the ground! Balaam goes rolling off and smashes into the rock. He grabs his staff, "That's it! I've had it with this stupid animal. This is the third time. Three strikes, you're out!" He smacks the donkey again. The donkey's ears go back, she turns and looks at Balaam, and then...she speaks: "What did I ever do to you that you should hit me three times?"

Well, Balaam's mouth dropped wide open. He stared wide-eyed at the donkey. Did those words really just-? 

Wait, no. That's not what Balaam did. Numbers 22:29 says, "And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee."

Balaam just talked back to a donkey. He is arguing with a donkey. Now, anyone in his right mind would know that donkeys do not talk. Maybe he'd just had a little too much alone time with the donkey, but the servants were there, too; so, I don't really think that he was crazy, I do believe that he was angry.

Anger causes us to lose our judgment. Have you ever been in a situation where you were so angry that you said something you regret? Probably so. I have. It's easy to see how ridiculous this situation is. Balaam talking to a donkey. Angry at an animal. One that we would probably think is stupid. And there he stands arguing with it. 

Does the donkey scream at him? I don't think so. Verse 30 continues the conversation. I think she had a soft answer (Proverbs 15:1). Then, the Lord opens Balaam's eyes, and he meets God's angel that was standing in the way every time.

Anger is a God-given emotion. We know that God gets angry; He gets angry at sin. But wrong anger clouds our judgment. Next time you are angry, take a step back and just think about the situation. God gave us the ability to reason, to be discerning. Look for the "donkeys" in your life. Ask the Lord to help you be discerning in controlling your anger. 

Psalm 37:8 - Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Because God is Enough

The thing that makes God so amazing is His character. It's what make Him God. It's the way we know who He is and what He does. But what does His character mean to us? God is love, but how does that change the way you live? God is holy. What does it mean to you?

I'd like to start a series of posts on how God's character can motivate us in the little things in life. This isn't going to be a series that is posted on every day. It may be awhile in between them sometimes, but I'd like to challenge you to take your own study of God and do something like this.

One of my absolute favorites about God is that He is sufficient. That's a big word that simply means He is enough. I want to take a few minutes and show you what it means when you truly believe that God is enough for you.

Colossians 2:10a - And ye are complete in Him...

Because God is enough...

  1. I don't have to worry about my salvation.
  2. I don't have to work my way to heaven.
  3. I don't need a boyfriend.
  4. I don't have to be accepted by my peers or anyone else.
  5. I don't need lots of stuff.
  6. I don't need a lot of money.
  7. I don't have to change my appearance to please other people.
  8. I don't have to worry about the future.
  9. I don't have to sin.
  10. I don't need to use anything else (food, drink, boys, cutting, add your own) for my satisfaction.
  11. I don't have to live with guilt of the past.
  12. I can trust that He will never let me down.
  13. I can spend time talking and listening to only Him.
  14. I can make it through the storms of life.
  15. He is everything to me.

This list could go on and on, just like the rest of them that are posted in the future could. I just hope that you will take a few minutes and reflect on our God. See Him for who He is.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Why I've Been Silent

To answer the question as to why it's been awhile since I've posted I could say it in one word: trials.

Does it ever seem like you are just drowning? Maybe it's as if you know God is there, but you don't know where to find Him. To be very transparent with you, that's where I've been for the last week or so. God saw fit to bring some things into my life where I just had no idea what was going on, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to control it.

But many times that's exactly where God wants us.

He wants us to be in a place where we can totally rely on Him, and He wants to show us that He is in control. He is faithful. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He won't let us down. Ever.

This week I was reminded of Job (even though my problems are no where close to what his were!). Job went through trial after trial and had no clue what was going on in his life. He didn't know that God allowed Satan to test his character. He knew a few things for certain though. 1) He lost practically everything. 2) God was still in control.

Read these verses from Job 23:8-9.

Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

Job knew that God was at work. He didn't know what was going on. He could not even see where God was, but he still trusted Him. Wow. To have faith like that of Job...

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. - Job 13:15a