101 in 1001

After reading some around the blogging world, I came across this idea: 101 in 1001. Ok, so those are cool numbers. So what? Well, it's all about short term goals. The whole idea is to set 101 goals to accomplish in 1001 days. This is almost 2.75 years.

I have a habit of setting goals of my own. In general, I am a very determined person. I will usually accomplish what I set out to do. At the beginning of this year, I made some New Year's Resolutions. I've actually stuck to a lot of them. And yes, I have a bucket list....but these can be so unrealistic! It's just something far-fetched that we hope to accomplish someday. So that is the purpose in doing a smaller time frame. It gives me a more practical way and time to reach some goals. And it helps you to keep your life in perspective. Philippians 3:14 talks about Paul pressing for the prize. We ought to be striving for something! Ultimately, that goal should be to glorify God, but how? It's going to look different for every person because God has a different plan for everyone's life. We need to remember that He is in complete control and He has every right to change any one of our plans! (Matt. 6:33) So I would challenge you to bathe your list with prayer and commit it to Him knowing that He is sovereign (Ps. 37:4).

All of this to say, here is my list!

This list has been the work of many, many days of thinking. And I think that I've finally come up with 101 things! So, here it goes...my list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. Some are silly, some are serious, but all will be something worthwhile to try!

Start Date: September 1, 2013
End Date: May 29, 2016

1. Think of 101 things.  - 9/1/13
2. Put $5 into savings for every goal I complete.

For others
3. Make food for the fire station.  12/24/13
4. Make baby hats for the pregnancy crisis center. 
5. Throw a birthday party for a friend or family member.  - 11/2/13
6. Throw a bridal shower for a friend. 
7. Take my parents to dinner.
8. Take each of my siblings on a sibling date. 
9. Secret gift for my parents.
10. Make 5 CD's to give away as gifts. 1
11. Be secret Santa for someone at Christmas. 
12.Pay for someone's food or coffee behind me in line. 
13. Call my nana more often.
14. Remember my families' birthdays on the actual day.
15. Mail the presents so they get there on time. 
16. Recreate an old picture to give to my parents.
17. Give out 100 hand-written notes. 25
18. Eat a meal with someone who is sitting alone. 
19.  Email my campers at least 3 times to see how they are doing. - I

20. Host a group Bible study.
21. Memorize Psalm 139.
22. Make a list of 101 things that I am thankful for.
23. Put a note in my blessings jar 3 times a week. 
24. Spend a weekend unplugged and digging into God's Word.
25. Sing a special in church.
26. Tell the story of God's love to 10 complete strangers. 
27. Read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
28. Memorize 20 new Bible passages
29. Teach a teen girls' Sunday School lesson.
30. Pray for someone specific for one month straight.
31. Give out 50 tracts.
32. Find 25 characteristics of God and study how those apply to my life. 
33. Study the ESV vs. KJV Bible versions.
34. Sing in choir.

35. Go 30 days without drinking soda.
36. Work on better posture.
37. Learn to do the smokey eye look.
38. Go on a hike. 
39. No sweets for at least 2 weeks.
40. Lose at least 5 pounds.
41. Run a 5K. 
42. Only one drink other than water each day for a month. 
43. Hike to 4th Falls.
44. Climb Stone Mountain.
45. Get my wisdom teeth out. 

Reading, Writing, and Crafts
46. Finish a full-size crocheted blanket.
47. Finish my smash book.
48. Read 10 non-fiction books. 
49. Start a recipe book with pictures. 
50. Do a craft booth at a flea market or festival.
51. Begin writing a book. 
52. Journal out my summer at the Wilds. 
53. Lead story time at a local library. 
54. Turn in all of my projects on time. 
55. Publish 100 blog posts. 
56. Write in my journal at least 3 times a week. 
57. Make a video/slideshow of a special event. 
58. Read Wicked.
59. Read a missionary biography.

Part of Growing Up
60. Graduate college.  
61. Go on a date.
62. Get engaged.
63. Get married. 
64. Learn how to fold a fitted sheet. 
65. Have my own classroom. 
66. Buy my own car. 
67. Own my own mac computer. 
68. Begin collecting children's books for my classroom. 
69. Begin paying off my school loans. 
70. Start using the envelope system for my spending each month. 
71. Work a summer at the Wilds.
72. Clean out my closet, getting rid of everything I don't need. 

Just for Fun
73. Have a picnic. 
74. See the Nutcracker Ballet.
75. Watch the sunrise. 
76. Go star gazing. 
77. Make s'mores.
78. Go to a football game.
79. See a Broadway show. 
80. Have an ugly Christmas sweater party.
81. Take a road trip. 
82. Make a snow angel.
83. Save my loose change in a mason jar.
84. Swim in the ocean. 
85. Get a kitten.
86. Take a walk on the beach.
87. Make bread from scratch. 
88. Learn how to pack light.
89. Bake a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" cake.
90. See the blue angels.
91. Try a new food.
92. Meet 10 new people. 
93. See the laser show.
94. Make 10 new Pinterest recipes. 1
95. See fireworks. 
96. Go to a cheerleading competition.
97. Travel to Savannah, Georgia.
98. Get a pedicure. 
99. Dress up for a formal event.
100. Dress up in a creative costume.
101. Have a peppermint mocha from Starbucks. 


  1. Love this idea and your 101 things! This is a great idea. Keep up the blogging :D

  2. Thank you so much! It's definitely a fun challenge!
