This year, I'm excited to announce that I'm teaching second grade. I am so beyond blessed to be teaching at the school God has led me to. My students are sweethearts, and I can honestly say that after my first day of teaching as a career, my heart is full.
Last night was practically sleepless. The nerves had definitely set in. I spent many moments just talking to God about everything that was on my mind concerning today. Where did the list end? Oh, it still hasn't. But God blessed. Just like He always does. He is so good.
So for the first day of adventures for the year, I can say we had a good day. I can only hope my students would say the same. The first week of school is really a bunch of procedures and routines. It's everything from what to do when you come in in the morning to what to do if you need a tissue to what to do in a fire drill. But if we did that all. day. long. the kids would go crazy. Psh. I'd go crazy. So we had to add some fun things in there.
Now, a lot of times, kids hate handwriting. Why? It's slow, monotonous, and cursive. It's difficult especially if you've never had it before. But the thing is...I love writing. I love handwriting. It's a lost art if you ask me. And you can tell a lot about a person based on how they write. I'm 100% convinced. But that's a side note. So adventure did we have to cultivate a love for handwriting? Lots and lots and lots of shaving cream. We wrote on our desks with shaving cream. It was on our hands. And on our faces. And on our clothes. And in our hair. But it was totally worth it. (P. S. - Moms, it's okay. Promise. No stained clothes.) I probably should have thought through the clean up a little better. But my sweet teacher's aide came to my rescue. At the end of the day, everything was clean. Even the air. Suffocating-ly clean. Hopefully that airs out by tomorrow morning, but if not, the memories are well worth it.
This is just one of many adventures for my travel themed classroom in this my first year of teaching. I can't wait to share the rest with you. Come along with us while we make these trips together.
It's the Little Things
Living Life God's Way Through the Little Things
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Best Day Ever!
"Did you have the best day of your life?"
The text pops up on my iPhone.
Ha. Today, the best day? I think not. There are so many days that could be better than this one.
This is my attitude over and over again, every single time she asks me.
But it's not the attitude that I should have.
The mental image that pops up whenever I see that text is Rapunzel in Tangled. "Best Day Ever!" She screams as she flies around the tree. But the next second, she is crying like it's the worst day of her life.
Aren't we like that sometimes? One moment is phenomenal! And the next, you just want to crawl in bed and stay there forever.
Each day is different. Some days are good. Some days are not so good. Some days are just ordinary and boring. So how do you go about making today the best day of your life? Here are a couple ideas that make any day better.
1. Spend time with God. I'm convinced that this is the best way to start your day. Just get your Bible out. Read it. Talk to God, and let God talk to you. I promise it won't be wasted time.
2. Invest in someone else. Talk to them. Get to know them. What makes them tick? Show them love. Reach out. Smile. There are simple ways to invest.
3. Coffee. Okay, with coffee, you just can't go wrong. Drink a cup. Preferrably during your God and I time.
4. Smile/Laugh. Smiling brightens anyone's day, including your own. Laughter is one of the most beautiful sounds. Laughing with someone you love: it doesn't get much better than that.
5. Be organized. Make that to do list. Get it done. But...
6. Be flexible. Even with your to do list, your day probably isn't going to go the way you think it will. Roll with it. If you're plans are messed up, that's okay!
7. Love life. Psalms tells us, "This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it." Do you love life today? I hope so. God gave you another sunrise. Another chance to make a difference. Just enjoy the day that God has given you.
This list is not all-inclusive. I'm sure you could add any number of things to make today the best day ever. What would it be for you? Do it. Have the best day ever!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
It's a Camp Thing
It's been awhile since I've been on here, and that's just because life is busy. You know that! Time just flies. It's insanely busy. Work, ball games, food, chores, etc. But the reason I've been so busy. Oh, you know, it's just a camp thing!
I'd like to give you a little insight into what my summer has been like so far! And here's my list of those things where sometimes our only explanation's a camp thing!
- Question time with Willie because of a random North Carolina Thunderstorm
- Washing your hair in the waterfall
- Sprained knees and crutches all for a big ball
- Jumping in the creek to celebrate victory
- Wet clothes and sand volleyball
- Fireside testimony service
- Unexpected blessings in the form of God-appointed cabins
- Fighting sin and the flesh with healthy, abundant doses of God's Word every day
- The same jokes every Wednesday night and we still laugh every time
- Lead counselors saying it's time to go to sleep
- Eyebrows up during coaching! (no angry faces)
- Total confusion of tag-a-lot
- Carolina Clay Milkshakes
- Realizing that only God's strength will get you through
- Learning that God doesn't need you, but He chooses to use you.
- It's ok to be wet. All. Day. Long.
- Makeup? What's that?
- Cheering is cool
- I believe that we will win!
- French Toast Friday!
- Serving God is the best, most awesome thing you can ever do with your life!
Hey, it's a camp thing!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
God Always Works
"Does it ever seem like you are just drowning? Maybe it's as if you know God is there, but you don't know where to find Him."
I wrote this in a post a few months ago about trials. Trials were definitely more prevalent my senior year of college than any other year. Friends change. Finances bottom out. Our bodies fail. Electronics die. Classes get canceled and moved around. People disappoint. Things just don't always go the way we planned them to. We cannot count on the things that this life has to offer us. They just won't always work.
But God always works.
If there is one thing that I have learned this past year at school, it's this: God is always faithful.
Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
God is faithful when you lose a friend. God is faithful when money runs out. God is faithful when your body breaks down. God is faithful when your computer crashes. God is faithful when you're schedule doesn't work out. God is faithful when people fail you.
God is even faithful. . . when I am not faithful to Him.
It's easy to feel like you're drowning.
I could give you example after example from God's Word of people who thought they were drowning, some quite literally. See Job's life, his doubt, and his blessing in the end. Go read about the Israelites in the book of Judges. See Samson lose all his strength and then pull the pillars down. Listen to Moses's excuses and see the promised land. Look at David's fear of death and his sin. Watch him be a man after God's own heart. Watch Peter as he almost drowns, and then he becomes one of the greatest preachers.
It's so easy to get caught up in the trials. It's easy to get stuck and to want to give up. It's so easy.
But please don't.
God does not give up you. Don't give up on Him.
I wrote this in a post a few months ago about trials. Trials were definitely more prevalent my senior year of college than any other year. Friends change. Finances bottom out. Our bodies fail. Electronics die. Classes get canceled and moved around. People disappoint. Things just don't always go the way we planned them to. We cannot count on the things that this life has to offer us. They just won't always work.
But God always works.
If there is one thing that I have learned this past year at school, it's this: God is always faithful.
Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
God is faithful when you lose a friend. God is faithful when money runs out. God is faithful when your body breaks down. God is faithful when your computer crashes. God is faithful when you're schedule doesn't work out. God is faithful when people fail you.
God is even faithful. . . when I am not faithful to Him.
It's easy to feel like you're drowning.
I could give you example after example from God's Word of people who thought they were drowning, some quite literally. See Job's life, his doubt, and his blessing in the end. Go read about the Israelites in the book of Judges. See Samson lose all his strength and then pull the pillars down. Listen to Moses's excuses and see the promised land. Look at David's fear of death and his sin. Watch him be a man after God's own heart. Watch Peter as he almost drowns, and then he becomes one of the greatest preachers.
It's so easy to get caught up in the trials. It's easy to get stuck and to want to give up. It's so easy.
But please don't.
God does not give up you. Don't give up on Him.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
The Definition of Mom
I was once asked to define a word, a complicated word,
One that can't really be confined to just one term.
It could be said that this word is selfless, brave, and strong.
One that doesn't stop trying. Patience runs long.
The work never ends, but quitting is not allowed
Or even thought of because loved is the crowd.
A gentle leader, a shelter in the storm,
Calloused hands, but a heart that's only warm.
Laughter that makes the whole world bright;
A voice that stills the fears of the night.
Beauty that shines as radiant as a star
From the inside out, making us who we are.
One that can't really be confined to just one term.
It could be said that this word is selfless, brave, and strong.
One that doesn't stop trying. Patience runs long.
The work never ends, but quitting is not allowed
Or even thought of because loved is the crowd.
A gentle leader, a shelter in the storm,
Calloused hands, but a heart that's only warm.
Laughter that makes the whole world bright;
A voice that stills the fears of the night.
Beauty that shines as radiant as a star
From the inside out, making us who we are.
Listens to the whining, fighting, screaming, and chatter,
Caring for the most important moments and the ones that don't really matter,
But they matter to us, so we know she cares too.
This caring shows the way this word is best defined.
It's shown in words and actions that are sweet, thoughtful, and kind.
It's shown in teaching, the "look,"'and when necessary trouble times.
The best definition is love for God, her husband, and the kids too.
There's no better definition of the word mom. Mom, I love you.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Bigger than the Storm
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But as I sit here, my body tense with each slight sound. God reminds me of something. He reminds me that He created the sky. He reminds me that He sent a storm, a flood to destroy everything as it was. He allowed Jonah to be thrown into a storm-tossed sea. He allowed Peter to walk across roaring waves. He allowed Paul to face a storm that resulted in a shipwreck. He stepped out on the edge of a small fishing boat and said "Peace, be still."
God reminds me that He is bigger than this storm.
He's stronger than the wind that knocks down trees and buildings. His voice speaks louder than the thunder that echos in my mind. His blessings fall heavier than the downpour outside my window. His love shines brighter than the lightning that fills my room. My God is so much bigger...and better...than this storm.
Monday, April 28, 2014
In the End, There Is a Beginning
It's a time of lasts for me. The last midterms were this semester. The last Bible conference here on campus. My last undergrad classes. The last final exams. The last time I get to hang out with my best friend and see her every day. The last shift at my current job. The last time that I have something called free least for awhile. Despite all of these "lasts," I've noticed something.
In the end, there is a beginning.
I have so much to look forward to. I am about to start my 22nd year of life. I begin a second summer at camp in a few weeks. I get to start my student teaching in the fall. I get my very first class. I get a new job too. My best friend is starting law school. And I can't wait to see what God has for me in the future!
Because the end is not the end. It's just a new beginning.
What's ending in your life? Maybe you're moving to a new place. Maybe someone is leaving you. Maybe you're simply advancing to the next grade. Maybe it's a new job. Maybe it's the loss of a loved one. I don't know what ending you are going to be facing soon, but embrace it as a beginning. Don't let fear of change keep you from enjoying whatever it is that God has next for you in this life. But you know what the cool thing is? It doesn't just end in this life. We will all come to a time where this point in our life will end. We will stop existing on this earth. But it's a new beginning. If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have the greatest adventure yet to come: an eternity with Jesus Christ. You're ending indeed is a wonderful beginning.
In the end, there is a beginning.
I have so much to look forward to. I am about to start my 22nd year of life. I begin a second summer at camp in a few weeks. I get to start my student teaching in the fall. I get my very first class. I get a new job too. My best friend is starting law school. And I can't wait to see what God has for me in the future!
Because the end is not the end. It's just a new beginning.
What's ending in your life? Maybe you're moving to a new place. Maybe someone is leaving you. Maybe you're simply advancing to the next grade. Maybe it's a new job. Maybe it's the loss of a loved one. I don't know what ending you are going to be facing soon, but embrace it as a beginning. Don't let fear of change keep you from enjoying whatever it is that God has next for you in this life. But you know what the cool thing is? It doesn't just end in this life. We will all come to a time where this point in our life will end. We will stop existing on this earth. But it's a new beginning. If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have the greatest adventure yet to come: an eternity with Jesus Christ. You're ending indeed is a wonderful beginning.
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