Because of Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow, it seems appropriate to pull this one up from just a few weeks ago. I hope you'll take some time to be thankful for those little things we so often forget!
Have you ever gone through something and thought,
Why me? Why now? I have definitely been there. But you know what I've realized? There's no better time to be thankful for everything that God has given me. So, here's my list of 101 things I'm thankful for:
1. God knows the number of hairs on my head.
2. I have godly parents who encourage me to not just do right but to be right.
3. I have godly friends who encourage spiritual growth.
4. I get to go to a Christian college.
5. God always provides, despite my doubts.
6. Weekends!
7. The ability to read and write
8. I don't have to wash my clothes by hand.
9. God gives me a new day every day.
10. I don't have to worry about what others think of me, only what God thinks of me.
11. Warm blankets
12. The freedom to do right
13. Good food
14. A bed to sleep in
15. Air conditioning
16. Stairs (for all of my Wilds' friends)
17. Creativity
18. Pretty handwriting
19. The opportunity to be a Wilds counselor
20. Alarm clocks
21. The bond of Christians even if they have never met before
22. The unity that prayer brings
23. Bible studies
24. Emotions (there are good ones and bad ones!)
25. Organization!
26. Having a place to call home
27. Having friends that make being away from home easier
28. Laughter
29. Experiences I've had that allow me to help others
30. Fuzzy slippers
31. Warm water
32. Day planners
33. Purses and bags
34. Comfy clothes
35. Family dinners
36. God's leading me to be a teacher
37. That I'm not in nursing school!
38. A nana that writes to me
39. My collegian at college
40. Not always getting what I wanted
41. Being a senior!
42. God having a bigger plan
43. A solid church family
44. New friends
45. Good roommates that I don't want to leave
46. Transportation
47. Dunkin' donuts' coffee
48. Imagination
49. Nail polish
50. Journals
51. A summer/Christmas job
52. Love
53. Goals and dreams
54. Lights
55. Stars
56. Musicals and plays
57. A copy of God's Word to read every day
58. Wise counsel
59. Kittens
69. Rain
70. Curly hair
71. Little sisters and a brother that make me smile
72. The beach and ocean
73. I can talk to the God of the universe.
74. Sunshine
75. Seasons
76. Christmas and its activities
77. Cold weather
78. Blogs and articles
79. Makeup
80. Swimming
81. Cameras that capture some of the sweetest memories
82. The ability to remember
83. The ability to memorize
84. The sense of taste
85. God's gift of true joy even when circumstances aren't the best
86. Friends that pray for me
87. Technology such as iPads and phones and computers
88. Good books
89. Sunday afternoon naps
90. Pinterest
91. New recipes
92. The old classic Disney movies
93. Windows to see outside
94. Good health
95. I live in a free country.
96. The ability to hear
97. Sports
98. Medicine and healthcare
99. God's creation (waterfalls, mountains, etc.)
100. God gives me strength, His strength.
101. Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross.