Sunday, September 22, 2013

Appearance Isn't Everything

She flipped her beautiful, straight locks in my face. She batted her long, luscious eyelashes my way. She glanced at me covered in a tanned, flawless complexion. Walking through a cosmetic store this past weekend, this is the face that pulled me in. And she can be summed up in one word: fake.

This woman, she is the face of the world. She calls out to us, screaming that we have to look like her. You're not skinny enough. You're not beautiful enough. Your skin is not right. Your hair is too big. You will never get anywhere in this life. She yells out her lies. But where exactly is she trying to get? 

Proverbs 31:10 - Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. 

External Beauty is temporary. Internal beauty is eternal. We have come to put so much emphasis on the outward appearance that we have disregarded the importance of the internal appearance. So, what if you have the latest fashions if your God is not pleased by your clothing choices every day? Are you clothing yourself in hot dresses or humility? Are you covering your face with a rejuvenating concealer and a pearly white smile or with a renewed countenance of the joy found in Christ? Is your hair straightened out smoothly or is your hidden life simply a secret you hope no one finds out? Could we possibly be hiding the fact that we are falling apart inside by fixing up our outward appearance? 

I want to challenge you to look past your own outward beauty (because you are beautiful just the way God made you; see Psalm 139:14) and search your heart for the flaws that are there. Because this is so much more important than just the outward appearance. Pretty character is always more beautiful than a pretty face. 

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