Well, needless to say, it's been awhile. That's what happens when you get caught up in the race of life. We rush around accomplishing everything we can. Run out and buy those last few Christmas gifts. Make the food for the New Year's Eve party. Oh snap, I forgot to mail Grandma's present...for the third time this week. Work, work, work. Work the day before Christmas. Work the day after Christmas. Time for the decorations to come down....
And the list goes on.
I don't know about you, but does it ever seem like everything goes way too fast? For me, Christmas went so fast this year, I don't feel like I actually had time to enjoy Christmas!
But I do that with lots of things. I get so caught up in the anticipation that when it's actually here...that's it.
This is why it's so important to enjoy the little things. Enjoy making Christmas cookies and taking them to the firefighters. Cherish the moments where you make cheesy jokes with your family. Don't let your little siblings annoy you. They won't be little for long.
Life may not give you everything you want. But God always has a perfect plan. He wants us to enjoy whatever He brings into our lives.
Enjoy the little things.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Remember Who You Are
"Remember who you are."
These are the words that the President of my college challenged us with before we left for the end of the semester. He challenged us not to remember that we are college students of a Christian college, but that we are Christians.
What if we actually remembered that we were Christians throughout every moment of every day? Would it change the words you say when you are unhappy? Would it change the attitude that you have towards the person who disagrees with you? Would it change the way we act toward someone who may not know about Christ?
I imagine that it would. When you go throughout the day today, whoever you are or whatever you might be doing, remember who you are. You are first and foremost a Christian, a representative of Jesus Christ.
These are the words that the President of my college challenged us with before we left for the end of the semester. He challenged us not to remember that we are college students of a Christian college, but that we are Christians.
What if we actually remembered that we were Christians throughout every moment of every day? Would it change the words you say when you are unhappy? Would it change the attitude that you have towards the person who disagrees with you? Would it change the way we act toward someone who may not know about Christ?
I imagine that it would. When you go throughout the day today, whoever you are or whatever you might be doing, remember who you are. You are first and foremost a Christian, a representative of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thankful Thursdays: You Are Beautiful
Have you ever looked in the mirror in the morning and thought something like this?
Oh, man. It's going to be one of those days.
Or maybe, it was more like something like this:
One day, I'll be beautiful.
I have news for you. You already are.
You are beautiful in God's sight.
Psalm 139:14 says, "I will praise thee; for I am beautifully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
On this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful that God is the Creator. Even on those days when you don't feel very beautiful, you are beautiful in His sight. You can always praise God for the way He made you. The world doesn't define beauty the way that God does. It's not about how skinny you are, how smooth your skin is, or how perfect your hair looks. God knew exactly what He was doing when He made you; He loves you just the way you are.
I'm so thankful that God is the Sovereign Creator.
Oh, man. It's going to be one of those days.
Or maybe, it was more like something like this:
One day, I'll be beautiful.
I have news for you. You already are.
You are beautiful in God's sight.
Psalm 139:14 says, "I will praise thee; for I am beautifully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
On this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful that God is the Creator. Even on those days when you don't feel very beautiful, you are beautiful in His sight. You can always praise God for the way He made you. The world doesn't define beauty the way that God does. It's not about how skinny you are, how smooth your skin is, or how perfect your hair looks. God knew exactly what He was doing when He made you; He loves you just the way you are.
I'm so thankful that God is the Sovereign Creator.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Thankful Saturday
Since I missed thankful Thursday this week, I'm having a thankful Saturday!
This Saturday, I'm thankful for my family. I was able to take a weekend trip home, and tonight we are celebrating Thanksgiving. The tables are set. Everyone will be here soon. I'm so blessed!

With all the craziness that goes on for planning a meal, it's easy to forget to be thankful for just the time that you have with the people you love. There may be frustrations with cooking, cleaning, and little kids, but that's ok. Because in the end, it's not the food that matters. It's not whether or not your house is clean. It's not even a matter of if the kids are going to behave!
It's all about being thankful for whomever and whatever God has placed in your life. It could be the best circumstances possible; it could be the worst circumstances ever. But we still ought to be thankful. I'm so thankful for this time with my family.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Evidence of Love
Sometimes the greatest evidence of love is seen in the little things. It's getting a hand-written note. It's a text message to remind you of a favorite memory. It's having someone just listen to a story at the end of a long day. It's a smile, a hug, a kiss goodnight. These are the things that let us know we are loved.
Sometimes the greatest evidence of God's love for you is seen in the little things. We know that God loves us because He says so in His Word. But sometimes, we don't really believe it. And then, God answers a prayer. Just a little one. One that doesn't matter to anyone else in the world. One that's not even for you, "Help her to get a 100 on a quiz today."
And she does!
When I heard this girl give a praise for her 100 on a specific quiz I prayed for, I was shocked! My heart leaped with joy. He heard me! I leaned over to her and whispered, "I prayed for a 100 this morning."
God never ceases to amaze me.
Answered prayers are one of the greatest gifts that God could ever give us. When He answers those little things that may not seem to matter to anyone else, we know that He loves us specifically. In something as small as a quiz, God still cares.
But what about those times when it seems like prayers are not being answered? Check out Luke 18:1-8. It's a great parable on the importance of being persistent in prayer. Sometimes, God may have you wait for awhile. He wants to draw you closer to Him. He's doing it because He loves you. He may say, "wait," but it's still an answer.
I challenge you to pray for your little things, believing that God will truly answer. You will see just how wonderful our God is when you see His hand in your everyday life.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Goal Number 91
Last night I accomplished one of my goals. Yes, it was at a Chinese buffet! (Super good, by the way.) When I was browsing around the food, I found what you see there in my chopsticks: a frog leg.
At first, it was gross to think about what I was eating, those things that I used to pick up when they crossed the sidewalk at night. Yeah, that's nasty! But once you get past the mental aspect, it's actually really good. So, goal number 91 on my list of 101 things is accomplished!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Watching Airplanes
The little 6-year-old girl stood at the clear glass panels. Her nose was pressed against the glass. The window fogged up around her face. She rubbed her tiny hands over the panel, removing the condensation that had collected there. A plane descended from the white, puffy clouds. She spun around, barely containing her excitement, and rushed to the woman sitting across the aisle.
"Mommy! Mommy! Is that one Daddy's plane?" Her big, blue eyes sparkled in anticipation.
Mommy said, "No, sweetie. Just keep watching."
The girl's blue eyes lost their glimmer. She'd been waiting for so long. It seemed like forever. Was forever ever going to end?
She made her way back to the window and pressed her face into the glass. Plane after plane landed. Every time she saw a new one she would run over and ask, "Mommy, is that one Daddy's plane?"
Mommy always said, "Just keep watching."
Eventually, she decided not to leave the window. She just watched...and watched...and watched. Forever was lasting forever, she thought. I didn't know that it would take this long.
She watched the sky go from birhg and blue to dark and black. The stars twinkled in the sky. She watched carefully to see which ones were blinking. Mommy told her that she had to watch closely so she could tell which ones were the airplanes. It was hard to tell because they all looked so much alike!
She watched for hours.
A hand landed on the girl's shoulder. She spun around in shock. She looked at his boots, brown and tough, his light brown uniform. Slowly, she lifted her eyes and saw his familiar face.
"Daddy!" The little girl squealed and leaped into her father's arms.
Daddy held her close and buried his face in her hair. Tears streamed down the little girl's face.
"I've waited for you for so long."
"I'm here now, baby," he whispers. "I'm here."
Now, the moral of the story is this: Just like the little girl, we should always be watching. Jesus is going to return one day. Do you wait in anticipation for the day that He will return and take you home? Will you be this happy to see your heavenly Father?
Thursday, November 14, 2013
3 Things to be Thankful For
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "In everything give thanks." Everything. Sometimes it's hard to narrow it down to just one thing that I'm thankful for. So, I decided to go with a little more general of a list this week. Here are 3 things that we should always remember to thank God for:
1. What God has done in your life.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the present that we don't even remember what God has done for us in the past. Do you remember any times that you have really seen God work? Did you know that God is the same now as He was at that time? Think back just over the last week. Where have you seen God work in your life? If you haven't seen anything, you may want to step back and reexamine your perspective. We know that God is always there, and He is always working. Be thankful for what He has done!
2. What God will do in your life.
God promises his children blessings when they follow Him. We don't know where God will lead us down the road. If we did know, we might be scared and never follow God's plan. But He always has a purpose, and He is always good. You may not be able to see God working right at this moment, but He has something awesome planned for you! It may not be anything huge like it is in your mind. It could just be those little everyday blessings. Take time to relish what God will do in your future.
3. What God hasn't done and won't do.
Have you ever had something happen that didn't go the way you planned? Maybe you even pitched a temper tantrum in your heart. Oftentimes, we ask for things, and God just says, "No." We don't understand why at that moment, but God sees fit not to give it to us. Later down the road, you will often see why God didn't give you whatever you were desiring. His plan is so much greater than ours! Aren't you glad that we have a God who can see the bigger picture? He knows exactly what we need, and He only does what is good for us.
On this Thankful Thursday, remember to give thanks in everything. You'll see a changed perspective on your life when you do!
Friday, November 8, 2013
God's Good, Life's Good
So, I missed this past thankful Thursday, but I know I just have to get it in. Satan likes to get us focused on the business of life so that we forget to be thankful with everything we already have around us!
That's happened to me a lot this past week. It's the busy time of the semester and I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I just can't seem to see where I'm going in times like these. Projects swallow me, officer responsibilities threaten to overtake me. But that's ok.
This week, my highlight for thankfulness is the fact that God is good. Because God is good, life's good! Yes, it may be hectic. It may seem like you're drowning in the deep end of the swimming pool. You may not even know where you are right now! But you can always rely on the fact that God is good. Isn't that wonderful?
Psalm 34:8 says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him."
When life gets crazy, just remember to sit back and trust in God's goodness. Because God's good, life's good!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Lessons from a Rotten Apple
Imagine a juicy, beautiful, crimson apple. It looks like the one that the teacher has sitting on her desk. In it's very essence, it is perfection.
This is what I saw when one of my friends brought an apple to the lunch table, but then she took a bite. Her face was one of shock as she turned the apple around to us. The core of the apple was completely rotten. Immediately, God brought some lessons to my mind that we can learn from this nasty, rotten apple.
1. Looks are deceiving.
From the outside, this apple was beautiful. That's why my friend even picked it up in the first place! It looked delicious. A lot of times, Satan does this with sin in our lives. He dangles that beautiful red apple in front of your face and enticing you to take just one bite. But as in the story of Snow White, just one bite hurts. Hebrews 11:25 tells us that Moses chose His people instead rather "than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." Sin may make you happy for a moment, but that moment won't last. Just like this apple, the first bite may be good, but when you see sin for what it really is, it will disgust and destroy you.
2. Our looks should not be deceiving.
What's on the outside should always match the inside. When my friend bit into her apple, she was expecting it to be savory not sour. The outside appearance should have matched the inside. But there are so many times in our lives that this is simply not true. Modern Christians are experts at putting on a show. We have our life on Sunday in front of our church friends, and we have our life the rest of the week in front of coworkers and other companions. Matthew 6 talks about the importance of not being hypocritical in our worship, specifically through giving, prayer, and fasting. This passage stresses that everything we do is not just for an outward show. If you act like a Christian but your inside is rotten, you are not pleasing God because He can see straight through that (1 Samuel 16:7). The heart is the most important part!
3. What's inside will come out.
Even though the outside of this apple was still beautiful, it wouldn't be long before the outside matched the inside. Luke 6:45 says, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." Eventually, what is inside your heart is going to come out. You may be able to keep it hidden for a time, but whatever you believe and think in your heart and mind is going to come out in the way you live. This is why it's so important for us to make sure that our heart is right. If the heart isn't right, the outside doesn't really matter.
4. The problem starts on the inside.
With this apple, the outside looked great, actually perfect. But inside was the real problem. Something caused the core of that apple to slowly rot away, and eventually, the whole apple would be destroyed. When sin first comes into your life, it starts small. You may not even have had a desire to do wrong. But it happened. And slowly, that small problem grows until it's out of control. James 1:15 talks about the cycle of sin. It starts with lust, that inner desire. Soon, it brings death. This is why the Bible encourages us to run away from sin just like Joseph ran away from Potiphar's wife. Stay as far from it as possible.
This is just one example of the little object lessons that God sends our way every day! Be on the lookout for what He wants to teach you! And in the meantime, don't let your life be like the rotten apple.
How Much Do You Want It?
In playing our most recent volleyball game for my collegian, our coach told us this, "The team that wants it more is going to win. It all comes down to how much you want it."
By this point of the game, the damages was done. It was 14 to 8 in the last game of a volleyball match that was only to go to 15. But we brought the score up to 13 to 14. We ended up losing the game by one point.
But these words from my coach still crossed my mind this morning almost 2 weeks later.
I've been reading a book called Loving God with All Your Mind. I highly recommend it for you ladies out there! It is excellent. The author spoke of how much we really love God on a day to day basis. I couldn't help but think that a working relationship with God all comes down to how much you want it. This is true of any relationship. The difference in our relationship with God as opposed to any other person is that we know He will always want a relationship with us. He always wants you! But how badly do you want Him?
A relationship takes work. Walking with Jesus is going to mean early mornings, self-sacrifice, and sometimes doing things you just don't feel like doing. How much do you want Jesus?
Psalm 42:1 - As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Thankful Thursday
This summer at camp the counselors would have meetings each morning. In our meetings, Thursday became known as "Thankful Thursday." We would go around and each say something that we are thankful for. What better way to start out one of the hardest days of the week?
You know how Thursdays can be. You've been going hard and strong all week. You're tired. Is it Friday yet? No. You just want a break. What better time is there to be thankful?
So, for the first Thankful Thursday on my blog, I'm thankful for time. Time is one of the greatest gifts. It's what allows us to get things accomplished, to invest in other people, to create memories. It guides us throughout the whole day.
Sometimes, it's easy to get frustrated with time. It seems like there's never enough! But God gives us exactly the time that we need. He's the one who created it! Isn't it great to know that He is in control? We don't have to worry about the amount of time we've been given because we really don't know. We just have to use wisely what God has give us. I'm so thankful for the time God has given me today.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Faithful to Fail
Recently, I've been reminded of my own failures. I get up and get going throughout my day soon to realize I spent no time with Jesus this morning. I say an unkind word. I think the worst of someone. I'm not loving God or others the way I ought to be. What happened? How did I forget? Everything was going great just a few days ago!
Over and over again I realize that I am consistently faithful in one area:
I make mistakes. I forget about my Savior. I lack faith. I disobey. I sin.
But God...
He never makes mistakes. He never forgets about me. He loves me even when I run from Him. He is waiting with open arms when I come back just like the story of the Prodigal Son. He never fails.
We can be assured in the hope of God's faithfulness. He will never let us down. He is always faithful to you and me. When it seems like all you do is fail, rest in the faithfulness of God.
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22-23
Saturday, October 26, 2013
7 Reasons to Love Being Home
It's so easy to get caught up with school and friends...especially in your teenage years! A lot of times we don't even realize what we're missing until we're gone. This was so true of me when I went to college. Before college, I was a social butterfly. I was practically never at home because of school, sports, and friends. But when you leave, you realize all of the reasons that being at home is absolutely the best place to be!
1. Family - These are the people who will always love you and will always be there for you. God planned them just for you. Yes, you'll have your differences and "discussions," but you'll learn to look past them and enjoy all the time that you have.
2. Your own bed - Can you feel it right now? You slip under the covers and just breathe a deep sigh. It's so perfect.
1. Family - These are the people who will always love you and will always be there for you. God planned them just for you. Yes, you'll have your differences and "discussions," but you'll learn to look past them and enjoy all the time that you have.
2. Your own bed - Can you feel it right now? You slip under the covers and just breathe a deep sigh. It's so perfect.
3. Home-cooked food - This girl loves food, and it's just nice to have the real deal. My college's food is great, but there's nothing like Mom's chicken and baked potatoes.
4. Sounds - Can you hear the crickets outside your window? The dog is barking next door. The air conditioning unit powers up and down. Pitter-pattering feet and giggles makes everything seem just right.
5. Free wifi - oh, yes. There's nothing like the freedom of your own internet and no cell phone data charges.
6. Bare feet - The one place you'll take off your shoes and socks and not really worry about who or what's been there.
7. Weather - It just feels just right at home. It may be hot and sunny; it may be cold and wet. Whatever it is it's familiarity brings you back to that place of comfort.
I think all of my things can be summed up in one word: comfort. I'm just at ease, comfortable. These are just a few of the things that I always miss at school. What are some of yours? What makes home home to you?
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Just One Word
If you could only use one word to describe salvation, what would it be?
I was asked this question by a friend once, and I had to think for a few moments before I finally decided on one.
I really could stop there.
To me, salvation means freedom from sin, guilt, and shame. It means freedom from death and hell, separation from God forever. It means having the ablity to do right. It means I'm not a slave anymore, but a servant to Jesus, the kindest Master in the world. I am free to live for Him!
Have you ever sat down and thought about what Jesus gave to you when He saved you? Just try and see how many things you can come up with. You can look for a list here later this week!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Shocking News
"Did you hear the language that man was using in line?"
"Did you see them drinking and partying all weekend long? How is that ok?"
A lot of times we have this kind of judgmental attitude towards unsaved people. Being constantly in a Christian environment makes it that much easier. We get so used to seeing girls dressed properly, people speaking kind words, and students behaving with self-control. We forget that this is the way that Christians are supposed to live. Why? Because it is our "reasonable service" to live for Christ (Romans 12:1).
So, why are we so shocked that unbelievers live in ways that are not pleasing to God? Why are we shocked at immodest clothing? Why is their language so offensive? Why do we judge them for living the only way they know how? Isn't that the way they are supposed to act?
They don't know any better. This is why they need Christ.
If you take a look at Christ's relationship with the people he ministered to in the Gospels, you will see not an attitude of condemnation, but an attitude of compassion. Jesus went to the people and built relationships. He didn't tell them what horrible, wicked sinners they were. He loved them.
This truth was shown to me in my Bible class this week, and to tell you the truth, I've never thought about it like this before. We should not be ruining the name of Christ by judging and condemning; we should be building relationships by having compassion, encouraging others to draw closer to Christ, not run farther away from Him.
We, as Christians, have the greatest responsibility in the world - to show Christ's love to a loveless world.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Reading Fairy Tales
Fairy tales are probably every little girl's favorite kind of story. Princess is in distress. Prince rescues Princess. Prince and Princess fall in love. Prince and Princess get married and live happily ever after. I think that a lot of times we have a tendency to read the Old Testament stories like fairy tails. We read them and think, "Oh, that's nice," or "Oh, that's so sad." But we don't think about the fact that these stories are true. We don't realize that these are real people with real feelings. They face the same struggles you face every day!
This semester at school, I've been picking up on my study of the five women in the line of Christ. Right now, I have the privilege of studying Bathsheba. Most of you are probably familiar with her story. She was what we would consider David's biggest sin. But what an amazing story she has! I would challenge you to take are few minutes and think about these questions concerning her life. Don't look at David and Bathsheba's story as a fairy tale gone wrong. Think about her emotions as a real woman going through the whole situation. How did it affect her?
First, read 2 Samuel 11-12 and 1 Kings 1. This covers the whole story!
Could Bathsheba have stopped David from sinning?
Could she have at least stood up for what's right?
Why did she continue to hide their sin from her husband?
How did Bathsheba respond when Uriah was killed?
Did she know that David murdered her husband?
Soon, she was not just one wife, but one of many wives. How was it living with the other women?
Was she judged by the other wives?
What did she go through when she lost her first child?
How did God restore His relationship with Bathsheba?
How did she deal with all the family turmoil even after she was forgiven?
How was Bathsheba blessed in the end?
Looking at Bathsheba's story in this way gave me a new perspective on how I study Bible characters. Do I see them as real people who are able to make the same decisions and mistakes that I would? Am I too quick to judge them for their wrong actions? Do I understand that these people are not just part of my favorite fairy tale? Am I studying these characters for the real people that they are.
25 Things Every Teenage Girl Should Know
1. God loves you. Always. More than anyone else ever will.
2. That guy just isn't worth it. I promise. And if he's the one, he can wait till later. He will still be there.
3. Your friends are going to come and go, but your family will always be there. Spend time with them. Tell them and show them you love them.
4. Your mom is usually right. Even though you don't like to admit it, she knows what she's talking about. She was a teenage girl once. Trust her.
5. You don't have to be cool. Be yourself. Let others see how beautiful you are.
6. Your sense of style is going to change. What you think looks good now definitely won't later. Ahem. Junior high pictures.
7. Eat good food now! While you're playing sports and not putting on weight. Don't worry about losing pounds. Soon, you'll be in college.
8. Mean girls are hurting too. Try killing them with kindness.
9. You'll be surprised at how far a kind hand-written note goes.
10. Girls groups are the way to go. No boys.
11. Go for the classic look. The trendy stuff is expensive and not popular for very long. Refer to number 6.
12. The little things are the most special things. Notes, small gifts, laughter, bus rides. Write the good memories down.
13. Each day is a new day. A new opportunity to start over. Soak it all in.
14. Don't drink coffee first hour. Your friends will not understand your sudden bursts of energy.
15. Smile. People will always remember it.
16. Be smart. Yes, study. Guys actually like girls with brains. And it'll definitely pay off when you get to college. Hey, you might even get to skip some classes. Take a pass on the ditsy act.
17. You're never too old to have a slumber party. Or to color. It's one of the most relaxing things in the entire world.
18. Love the unlovable. They need a good friend more than you need yours. You'll be surprised at how much you learn from the unlikely friends.
19. Underclassmen are always watching you. They want to be just like you, so do the little kids. Don't mess it up for them.
20. Read Lies Young Women Believe. It will change your life. Also, follow their blog. You'll find that there are girls just like you!
21. Skip the sappy romance novels and movies. Love doesn't work like that. You want something that's real.
22. Make good habits now. Exercise, eat healthy, good sleep patterns, reading your Bible. You won't do it later.
23. Try the other things like choir, band, and academic clubs. Yeah, they may seem nerdy, but singing, instruments, and knowledge last a whole lot longer than athletic ability.
24. Learn to get up right when your alarm goes off. It will keep you from oversleeping and rushing.
25. Seek God's will. It doesn't necessarily matter what you're doing or what everyone else is doing. Do what God wants you to do right now.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Only Two Things that Matter
Just this morning, one of my friends passed away. He was only 23 years old. This is just two years older than I am now, and he was doing something I do almost every week and more so at home: driving in a car.
When someone so close to your age dies, it makes you realize the brevity of life, and the importance of living a life that counts. So, what am I really living for?
This summer at camp one of my friends said this: "There are only two things that matter in this life, God and people."
As I go throughout my days, I want to remember that I'm here to love God and others, no matter what that cost may be. It may not be easy. It may not be convenient. It may not always be what I feel like doing. But in the end, it will be totally worth it.
I can honestly say that my friend loved God and loved his campers this summer. He was a true example of the joy found in serving Jesus Christ. Though he is not with us any longer, I know God will use his life and his death to bring glory to Himself. (By the way, I know my friend doesn't want to come back here!)
I pray that at the end of my life, whether it's tomorrow or 50 years from now, I will have a testimony of a genuine love for God and people.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Appearance Isn't Everything
She flipped her beautiful, straight locks in my face. She batted her long, luscious eyelashes my way. She glanced at me covered in a tanned, flawless complexion. Walking through a cosmetic store this past weekend, this is the face that pulled me in. And she can be summed up in one word: fake.
This woman, she is the face of the world. She calls out to us, screaming that we have to look like her. You're not skinny enough. You're not beautiful enough. Your skin is not right. Your hair is too big. You will never get anywhere in this life. She yells out her lies. But where exactly is she trying to get?
Proverbs 31:10 - Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
External Beauty is temporary. Internal beauty is eternal. We have come to put so much emphasis on the outward appearance that we have disregarded the importance of the internal appearance. So, what if you have the latest fashions if your God is not pleased by your clothing choices every day? Are you clothing yourself in hot dresses or humility? Are you covering your face with a rejuvenating concealer and a pearly white smile or with a renewed countenance of the joy found in Christ? Is your hair straightened out smoothly or is your hidden life simply a secret you hope no one finds out? Could we possibly be hiding the fact that we are falling apart inside by fixing up our outward appearance?
I want to challenge you to look past your own outward beauty (because you are beautiful just the way God made you; see Psalm 139:14) and search your heart for the flaws that are there. Because this is so much more important than just the outward appearance. Pretty character is always more beautiful than a pretty face.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Do's and Don't's
A lot of times we just go through the motions. Wear your skirt to your knee. Don't drink. Don't do drugs. Don't say bad words. Be kind. Be respectful....the list could go on. Are you stuck in this rut? Maybe, you've thought before, Why am I even doing this?
Well, why are you doing it? Is it because that's what you've always done? Or because your parents say so? I'd like to venture out and say, those aren't the right reasons. You can stop reading now if you want. You can keep going day in day out doing the same things. But just hear me out for a minute.
There is always some kind of motivation behind everything that you do. It could be as simple as sleeping because you or tired, or it could be a perfectly laid out plan to accomplish a long term goal in the next five years. But both of these have a motivation behind it: it's something that you desire above anything else at that moment.
Psalm 42:1 says, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God."
Just like a deer has a longing, a necessity, for a drink of water, so is David's desire for His Savior. Ultimately, this motivation is what led a 17-year-old boy to fight a giant. This is what led Him to show restraint from killing Saul even though he had multiple opportunities. This is what led Him to repent and accept the punishment for even what we would say is his greatest sin. All of these actions were motivated by His love for God.
Where do we begin to have this great love for God? We don't have to look very far. Just look up a hill on a dark day long, long ago. The hill called Calvary. What do you see there? I see a Man, broken and bleeding. I see the weight of my sin, crushing His holiness. I see a Savior, who loved me more than anyone ever could.
So, why do you do what you do? Just because your parents say so? Or because a love for God's Word motivates you to obey? Because others will praise you? Or because God will be pleased? If we could even just begin to understand what Christ did for us on the cross, we would have absolutely no excuse, no reason not to live out of love for Him, our ultimate sacrifice.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
No Better Time to Be Thankful
Because of Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow, it seems appropriate to pull this one up from just a few weeks ago. I hope you'll take some time to be thankful for those little things we so often forget!
1. God knows the number of hairs on my head.
2. I have godly parents who encourage me to not just do right but to be right.
3. I have godly friends who encourage spiritual growth.
4. I get to go to a Christian college.
5. God always provides, despite my doubts.
6. Weekends!
7. The ability to read and write
8. I don't have to wash my clothes by hand.
9. God gives me a new day every day.
10. I don't have to worry about what others think of me, only what God thinks of me.
11. Warm blankets
12. The freedom to do right
13. Good food
14. A bed to sleep in
15. Air conditioning
16. Stairs (for all of my Wilds' friends)
17. Creativity
18. Pretty handwriting
19. The opportunity to be a Wilds counselor
20. Alarm clocks
21. The bond of Christians even if they have never met before
22. The unity that prayer brings
23. Bible studies
24. Emotions (there are good ones and bad ones!)
25. Organization!
26. Having a place to call home
27. Having friends that make being away from home easier
28. Laughter
29. Experiences I've had that allow me to help others
30. Fuzzy slippers
31. Warm water
32. Day planners
33. Purses and bags
34. Comfy clothes
35. Family dinners
36. God's leading me to be a teacher
37. That I'm not in nursing school!
38. A nana that writes to me
39. My collegian at college
40. Not always getting what I wanted
41. Being a senior!
42. God having a bigger plan
43. A solid church family
44. New friends
45. Good roommates that I don't want to leave
46. Transportation
47. Dunkin' donuts' coffee
48. Imagination
49. Nail polish
50. Journals
51. A summer/Christmas job
52. Love
53. Goals and dreams
54. Lights
55. Stars
56. Musicals and plays
57. A copy of God's Word to read every day
58. Wise counsel
59. Kittens
69. Rain
70. Curly hair
71. Little sisters and a brother that make me smile
72. The beach and ocean
73. I can talk to the God of the universe.
74. Sunshine
75. Seasons
76. Christmas and its activities
77. Cold weather
78. Blogs and articles
79. Makeup
80. Swimming
81. Cameras that capture some of the sweetest memories
82. The ability to remember
83. The ability to memorize
84. The sense of taste
85. God's gift of true joy even when circumstances aren't the best
86. Friends that pray for me
87. Technology such as iPads and phones and computers
88. Good books
89. Sunday afternoon naps
90. Pinterest
91. New recipes
92. The old classic Disney movies
93. Windows to see outside
94. Good health
95. I live in a free country.
96. The ability to hear
97. Sports
98. Medicine and healthcare
99. God's creation (waterfalls, mountains, etc.)
100. God gives me strength, His strength.
101. Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
"Are you ready to head back to school?" this has been the dreaded question that I have been asked for the last two weeks. My response with a laugh, "No, not really." but inside my heart is screaming, "No, I don't want to go!"
After this summer, I became very discontent with the idea of going back to school. This summer was amazing. I got to coach and play games. I met new people. I gained godly friends. I was saturated with God's Word day and night. It was easy to do right. I saw God change life after life including my own. And now, back to school. But this is exactly the attitude that will get me in trouble.
In Philippians 4, Paul says this, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, there with to be content."
I think that we all know what it means to be discontent. We are not satisfied with whatever situation we are in. We could want things; we could want more friends or a dating relationship. We can even want something good, but it's just not God's timing right now. Contentment is realizing that I have everything I need in Christ wherever He has me at this point in my life.
For me, this is what I have to apply as I go back to school. Because, in all honesty, I'm just ready to be done! But this is where God wants me right now. I am here to finish what I started. Even though my ministry at school is not the same as the Wilds, I still have a ministry and a responsibility to do all to His glory. It all has to start with this contentment.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Everyone Has a Story
At this time during camp, I would be just getting to know my campers. I would be doing a short survey during devotions just to learn a little more about them. I would ask questions like "What do you want to be when you grow up" and "When is your birthday?" I would also ask about salvation and areas that they want to see God change in their lives. All this is so that I can get to know their story.
"Everyone has a story."
This is a phrase that was often said in our team meetings every Monday. It was something that I didn't think about much until I was placed face to face with loving people every week whether I wanted to or not. The story could be a comedy, romance, or many times a tragedy, but sometimes, I am so quick to jump to conclusions instead of seeing the needs in peoples life. It's easy to judge by appearance or speech or attitude. But it's not easy to love just like Jesus commands us to. During His ministry, Christ went searching for the unlovable. He healed lepers, caused the blind to see, made the lame to walk. He defended an adulteress. He associated with a woman from Samaria. All of these were outcasts. They were the ones who everyone looked down on, but Jesus looked at them with compassion. But many times, we ignore people and the love they need to be shown. We may look on them with pity, but do we care enough to do anything about it? Do we really show them Christ-like love?
At camp, it was easy to love those placed in my cabin because I had to. And I thoroughly enjoyed it! I have so many sweet friendships now with girls that I never would have met had it not been for camp. I got to love on girls who just needed a friend. They needed to know that someone cared. My real test though comes at home, school, and anywhere else this life may take me. Maybe there is a person with a story I already know. Or maybe it's a person who I just meet because of Divine intervention. Whoever I may come into contact with I have to decide to love the unlovable and remember that everyone has a story.
The Ultimate Satisfaction
Depression. Boys. Anger. Drugs. Cutting. Alcohol. Bitterness. Friends. Music. Video games. Movies.
The list could go on, but what do all of these things have in common? These are all things that we turn to for peace. I have seen teenager after teenager come to camp with no joy, no peace, and no hope. The human heart is searching. It's searching to fill an emptiness. It is looking for some satisfaction, some acceptance, some love. It's searching to fill a hole, but that hole is God-shaped. It can only be filled by Him.
If I had to pinpoint one lesson for the whole summer, it would be this: God is sufficient. Colossians 2:10a says, "And ye are complete in him." I found this verse after a couple weeks of singing "Complete in Thee" every Thursday night. I was curious where exactly this song came from, and this verse was perfect! It talks of how everything is found in Christ. If we were to just stop and think about everything God offers us, it should change the entire course of our lives. (I'll share more about that in a later post.)
The question is this: "Is God really everything to you?" It is so easy to just turn to everything else around us. We like to trust what we can see, but all of this is only temporary. Christ offers us everlasting life, incomprehensible peace, and abundance of joy (John 3:16, Philippians 4:7, 1 John 1:4). Why do we even try to turn to any of what this world offers?
Now, you may not struggle with anything that we think of as a serious problem, but anything that we put ahead of God is our idol (Exodus 20:3). It becomes our mini god. And we deny God of the love and glory He wants and deserves from us. It's so easy to get caught up in the flow of this life. We have to constantly be filling our mind with God through His Word so that we can be focused on Him. Otherwise, we will fail miserably. But, God gives us His grace day be day to do just what He requires of us. He will help us develop our ultimate satisfaction in Him alone.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
You Can't Do This
"You can't do this. You're not good enough. You're not spiritual enough. You just can't do this."
These are the thoughts that flooded my mind all through our week of staff training. It was information overload. You had to know the schedule, the rules, and the basic camp procedures. You're given books to help you counsel and books to tell you where to go. There was no way. And I was absolutely right. There is no way I could ever get through this summer on my own.
Every summer the wilds staff is given a specific study. This year the theme was pride. You never realize the depth of pride in your life until you really take the time to look at it. We as a staff were all required to read a book about pride and humility before we got to camp. That was convicting in and of itself, and then we heard Tom Farrell preach on it!
You see, before I came to camp. I didn't think pride was an issue in my life, I was blinded by my own selfishness. And here the first week, I was relying on my abilities to get me through. Pride is self-anything. And I was being self-reliant until I realized that self just wasn't going to cut it for this summer. I needed humility. Humility is recognizing that God is all, self is nothing, and others are more important. This had to be the foundation for my ministry at the wilds. It's all for Gods glory, not my own, and my campers needs are what my focus should be.
Pride is a constant battle. It's the root of all sin. And honestly, it's something I will struggle with until the day I die. It isn't until we come to the point that we realize we just can't do this that God can begin to do great things in and through your life. Once we humble ourselves before Him, He uses us in ways we never can imagine. We serve a great God who can and will do great things.
Monday, July 29, 2013
My Wilds Adventure
Summer 2007 was really the beginning of something that changed my life. This something is the Wilds Christian camp. I really didn't know the affect this place would have on my life, but I went back to this camp for two more years of summer camp, a leadership conference, and my senior trip. But all this was only the start.
During those summer trips the biggest thing I learned was that serving God can be fun. But I never fully grasped that until this past summer.
Last September began the climax of my wilds adventure. I filled out the application to be a counselor. It was a far-fetched dream that I had no idea it would turn into a reality. But in January, it became a real possibility. I received my contract. Listed on the top was my position: counselor.
I knew right away that I was in! My parents did too. And looking back now, it's a place where I could serve the rest of my life. God has blessed me so much in allowing me the opportunity to minister to kids and teenagers all summer long. But even though I've been serving, most times I feel as though I learn more than any of my campers do.
These next posts (I was going to say few, but it will probably be more than that) are going to be what I have learned this summer. I'll share my memories and fun stories and maybe even inspire you to think about camp ministry so that you can have your own wild adventure.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Same God Here, Same God There
This summer has been the greatest summer of my life. I cannot even begin to explain all the things that God has been teaching me this summer, but it is my goal to share one of those things today.
So on a typical week here at the Wilds, the campers get here on Monday, and they leave on Saturday. It's amazing to see what the campers learn all week long. It's also amazing to see the decisions they make. They let go of long time bitterness. They change their attitudes. They get rid of ungodly living and friends....right here in the shelter of the Wilds. You see, here, it's easy to serve God. It's easy to do what is right because everyone else is doing it too. But then you go home. Back to the bad influences, ungodly friends, and worldly living. At the end of a camp week, I find myself wishing I could go home with the campers, but then God reminds me of something. This same God goes home with them! They can keep these same decisions because God is the same here and there.
It's easy to get on an emotional, spiritual high at camp, but that doesn't have to be only at camp or in whatever given spiritual setting. God is always the same. Rest in that fact, and stay close to Him.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Being Real
A little taste of spiritual heaven on earth.
This is the phrase that I use to describe the place where I get to serve this summer. The Wilds is a Christian camp where I'm counseling elementary age and teenage girls this summer. After a week of staff training, you would think that I would be completely prepared, right? Well, I don't know. There are going to be situations where I need help this summer, and I definitely need God with me each step of the way. But there are a couple of things that stand out to me from this week. One is that I have to be real.
We listened to a session about the kind of Christianity that young people are witnessing. The speaker made these three points: teens are witnessing a lifeless, loveless, and legalistic Christianity.
When I first went to the Wilds as a camper, one of the biggest things I noticed was that these people were real. They really do love God, they really do love me, and they really have fun doing both of these. A ministry at the Wilds is all about serving God and serving others. It's doing what's right even though it's hard. It's loving even when someone is very difficult to love. It's completely surrendering to God's Word and doing what He says.
As a counselor this summer, I know that I have to be real. Teenagers can spot a phony so fast! I have to have genuine love for God and those around me. But this application isn't just for camp. God calls us to love and obey Him no matter where you are! What difference would it make if others looked at your life and said, "What you see is what you get. He is really trying to please God with his life."
Would others say that your talk about God matches your walk with God? I hope so! Be real today!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
It's Not Easy
It's not easy to get up every morning.
It's not easy to have your devotions
every day. (Check out the previous post for more about this!)
It's not easy to pray every day.
It's not easy to love.
It's not even easy to serve God
Why? Your flesh is the enemy. Satan is
the enemy. You are fighting an uphill battle. Sin is trying to push
you down. It is not natural for us to serve God. It is a choice that
we have to make.
Joshua 14:8 says, “Nevertheless my
brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt: but
I wholly followed the Lord my God.” This was Caleb's testimony. He
chose to serve God with his whole heart. When did he make this
choice? Maybe it was when he was a child. Maybe it was when he was a
teenager. Maybe it was just before his spy mission in Canaan. But it
was before he was put into these situations. He chose to serve God
wholly and completely? Will you?
I have to warn you though. It's not
easy. But the Bible promises us that it is completely worth it
because your uphill battle is already won! Jesus conquered all. He
defeated sin, death, and the grave. Will you choose the winning side?
Will you serve God wholly and completely today?
Friday, May 17, 2013
Turning 21 into a Testimony
Today, I turn 21 years old. So, what's
the big deal about turning 21? In the world's eyes, now I can not
only party, but I'm also allowed to drink alcohol...legally. But
here's the thing with me, I believe that it is wrong to drink because
the Bible says so (Prov. 20:1, Eph. 5:18). Many people just don't
understand that. Why would I follow what some book says about
drinking? Because it is God's Word. So now my 21st
birthday turns into testimony time. My taking a stand against
drinking on my birthday says a great deal about the rest of my life.
If I am going to do this, people will notice a difference. Not
drinking on my 21st birthday shows people that there is
something different, and they may think that I'm weird at first. But
then, they can watch all the other areas of your life too. So just
taking a stand against alcohol is a small first step. What about my
work ethic? My speech? My social life? How will I be different in
those areas? If Christ is in me, these areas won't just be weird. It
will be a difference that they don't understand, but one that they
desire to have. Will other people see Jesus? Will they want what I
Taking a stand is not just about being
weird. It's about showing Christ in everything I do. His name is in
my title – CHRISTian. Will taking a stand be more than just a way
to be different? Or will it be showing the testimony of Christ?
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Yearbook Catastrophe
“So, I have a question for you,” my
teacher said at the beginning of class. “How many of you, when you
got your yearbook, the first picture that you looked at was your
Over 75% of the class raised their hands. The only reason I didn't raise
mine was because I hadn't gotten my yearbook yet. But that gave me
the greater responsibility; now, I had the chance to keep my actions
in check.
You see, I've also been reading a book
called From Pride to Humility. I highly recommend it if you haven't
read it before. It's very short but very convicting. God was already
working on my heart about pride, and now, my teacher brings up a
simple everyday situation that I show pride. Why is pride such a big
deal anyway? Because God hates it (Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 16:5). If
I love God, why would be something that God hates?
Pride is seen in so many little ways.
The book that I mentioned earlier says that it is the root of all
sin. It is what had Satan cast out of heaven. Pride causes us to be
focused on self and not focused on God. It makes us talk about
ourselves, think low of others, and cut others down. It can also be
seen in self-pity because the focus is on yourself, not God. It's
easy to be proud in so many ways, so we have to be careful. Even then, we will make mistakes. I still went back and looked at my picture first!
What's the best way to learn humility?
Ask God to teach you to be humble (Matthew 7:7). But be prepared
because God will teach you even when you least expect it. I'll tell
you about that story in a later post.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
No Devos, No Facebook
Consistency is one of the hardest
challenges of the Christian life. Hypocrisy is something that many
outside the church complain about. This is exactly why they don't
want what we have. Our mouths say one thing, but our lives say
another. We may not drink, smoke, or be caught up in some major sin,
but what about all the little every day things, the things that
people around us really notice?
Probably one of the most over-looked
areas that Christians struggle with inconsistency is in their
devotional life. It's easy when you have a routine. Wake up, do your
devotions, get ready, eat breakfast, brush teeth, go to work, etc.
But what happens when the routine changes? For me, I've been at
school the last several months, and it was so easy to get into a
routine! I had it all figured out, and I was able to spend time in
God's Word and prayer. Now that I'm home, I have to develop a new
routine. One that will keep my devotions in check. So, I decided to
sit down and figure out how to do this.
Here is where you come in. I once was
challenged to a “No Devos, No Breakfast” challenge. That didn't
have much effect on me because at school I don't really eat breakfast
(I know, not good). Needless to say, it didn't work very well, so I
decided to change it to something that will affect me. For the next
two weeks, I want to challenge you to with the “Consistency
Challenge.” I have decided that for the next fourteen days I will
take on the motto “No Devos, No Facebook.” If I don't have my
devotions, I don't have Facebook that day. It may be something else
that will work for you, Google+, Pinterest, or maybe your favorite TV show or hobby.
I really think that if you accept the challenge with me, you and I
will see God work in great ways! You'll see that the more you get to know God, the more you love Him. We often underestimate how amazing
He really is.
Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first
the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall
be added unto you.” God wants us to seek Him. He wants to spend
time with you! Let's not pass up the privilege we have to spend just
a few minutes every day getting to know our Savior.
Are you up for the challenge?
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The Danger of Growing Up
“Lord, we trust you with our
eternities, why can't we trust you with our lives?”
This is the prayer that my resident
assistant prayed in our meeting. My thoughts began to drift. Why? Why
do I trust God for something so great yet not for something so small?
I trust Him to care for me for time unending but not for just a few
short years.
We start out our Christian life just
like a child. We take God at His every word. We trust Him. We are so
sure of Him. Just like a little baby may walk right into a pool, we
would take that step of faith off the cliff knowing God will help us
But then, we grow up.
You have more fear of danger now than
you did as a child. You may be afraid of roller coasters, of flips on
a trampoline, of drowning in the ocean, of safety while traveling.
When you were younger, the thought of being hurt may have never
crossed your mind. Just like this, we are more scared now than at the
beginning of our Christian walk. At first, we are excited; now, we
are anxious. Instead of growing up God's way, we grow comfortable in
our Christian walk. We become spiritually sure of ourselves. We think
we know enough to decide on our own future. We think we know better
than God. And when things don't go exactly our way or we don't know
what is going on, we are scared of His plan.
But why? God is the same God now as He
was in the beginning, as He was when He saved you! Malachi 3:6a says,
“For I am the Lord, I change not.” And we know that God thinks
the best for us (Jeremiah 29:11). So why do we fear? Why trust God to
save you from the biggest danger of your life but doubt Him in the
small things? Where did the saving faith go? I encourage you to grow
up spiritually, but let God be your Abba Father. Still trust Him with
that child-like faith that brought you to Him in the first place.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Making a Difference
Time to make a check on my bucket list
– 5K Race.
The most awesome part about it is that
it wasn't just a race for me. It was a race for missions! I'm so
blessed to go to a school that loves and serves God and chooses to
make a difference. This was exactly our theme for the run. Jude 22
says, “And of some having compassion making a difference.” My
school presented this run as a support for two different missionaries
in Uganda and the Philippines. They are both working with orphanages.
All of the money received from this race is going to them. Soon, they
can feed even more children and share the love of Jesus Christ with
these precious little ones.
While I was running, I kept pushing
myself. If these missionaries can leave everything behind and go
serve God, I can run to support them. It's the least I could do! It
seems so small in the scheme of eternity to just go run 3.1 miles,
but if this can impact just one person's eternity, it's completely
worth it. It's time to get out there and make a difference!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
"I've Got It"
This is the one word I would choose to describe the last month of school before summer. I'm a junior on college studying elementary education. So for me, that means philosophy papers, book critiques, and peer teachings. I always heard students say that junior year is the hardest, but being a sophomore nursing major before, I didn't believe that for one second...until I got back from a relaxing weekend at home.
I sat down, looked at my schedule and realized I had no idea how I was going to get everything done. So what did I do? I began to make lists. I developed a plan. I checked my calendar, and I got a little grumpy. What I didn't realize was that I was forgetting the most important thing - God.
Psalm 61:1-2 says, "Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
God wants us to cry out to Him whether it's for something as small as school stress or something as major as financial or physical stress. He is there to help us, and He helped me more than I even thought of.
Finally, I sat down to read my Bible onMonday morning..after my panic attack on Sunday night. And I prayed,and I asked God to help me to be diligent and to get my work done. I got up and went back to work. I went to classes and work. In chapel,our president of the college announced that he was giving us a day off of classes!
And God told me, “See, I've got it under control.”
Now, even though that day has come and gone, and much was accomplished, I still have a lot more to do. But I know God will help me through. Sometimes, He shows us He is there in big obvious ways, but many times God says, “I've got it. Trust me,”in the little things.
This is the one word I would choose to describe the last month of school before summer. I'm a junior on college studying elementary education. So for me, that means philosophy papers, book critiques, and peer teachings. I always heard students say that junior year is the hardest, but being a sophomore nursing major before, I didn't believe that for one second...until I got back from a relaxing weekend at home.
I sat down, looked at my schedule and realized I had no idea how I was going to get everything done. So what did I do? I began to make lists. I developed a plan. I checked my calendar, and I got a little grumpy. What I didn't realize was that I was forgetting the most important thing - God.
Psalm 61:1-2 says, "Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
God wants us to cry out to Him whether it's for something as small as school stress or something as major as financial or physical stress. He is there to help us, and He helped me more than I even thought of.
Finally, I sat down to read my Bible onMonday morning..after my panic attack on Sunday night. And I prayed,and I asked God to help me to be diligent and to get my work done. I got up and went back to work. I went to classes and work. In chapel,our president of the college announced that he was giving us a day off of classes!
And God told me, “See, I've got it under control.”
Now, even though that day has come and gone, and much was accomplished, I still have a lot more to do. But I know God will help me through. Sometimes, He shows us He is there in big obvious ways, but many times God says, “I've got it. Trust me,”in the little things.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Cry of America
In the face of a tragedy, I pray that this will be America's cry.
"Lord, I need you when the sea of life is calm.
Oh, Lord, I need you when the wind is blowing strong.
Whether trials come or cease, keep me always on my knees.
Lord, I need you. Lord, I need you."
Christians, be in prayer for our country! America needs God now more than ever.
"Lord, I need you when the sea of life is calm.
Oh, Lord, I need you when the wind is blowing strong.
Whether trials come or cease, keep me always on my knees.
Lord, I need you. Lord, I need you."
Christians, be in prayer for our country! America needs God now more than ever.
Friday, April 12, 2013
The Evil "M"
Modesty. There, I said it.
Most, likely the first thing you think
of when you hear the word modesty is clothing. Immediately, people
want to stop reading because we've heard it all before. Appropriate
clothing is something that is drilled into many Christian homes. But
modesty is so much more than the outward appearance. (Hint: It
doesn't only apply to girls either.)
Three ladies of my student body at
college recently spoke on this topic of modesty. It was such a good
perspective that I thought I would share it for you.
First of all, modesty means humility.
It is not drawing attention to yourself, but giving God the glory.
And it's not just dress. It can be talents, position, or attitude.
Showing humility through modesty is characterized by self-control. It
is giving God the glory due His name.
Second, modesty means purity, not just
physical but also spiritual. It is purity in thought, action, and
motive. It is being holy, blameless, not causing others to fall. It
includes your speech, dress, and lifestyle. Living in purity means
examining the small every day actions that are seemingly
insignificant. It is being blameless.
Lastly, modesty means appropriateness
in clothing, actions, and relationships. You would not wear the same
thing to climb a rock wall as you would to a church service. You
would not act at a ball game as you would at a funeral. In
relationships, you have a role as either a lady or a gentleman; the
roles should not be switched. (It's part of God's perfect plan.) It
all boils down to this: discretion. Proverbs 11:22 says, “As a
jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without
discretion.” It just doesn't fit! Ask yourself if it fits or if it
is out of place.
So all that to say, modesty is so much
more than appearance; it's a lifestyle! How's your spiritual
wardrobe? Is it one that draws attention to self or gives glory to
God? Is it characterized by purity and self-control? Is it
appropriate? Are you living a modest life?
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The Big Question
As I sat down to prepare for Bible study, Ruth was next on my agenda. Usually, I only spend one week on each woman. But Ruth has a whole book written about her! Okay, I'll break it into two weeks, or so I thought. I began to study and about two hours and four pages of notes later, I had only been through chapter one, but I had learned so much.
So take a look at Ruth 1:16-17 - "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me."
We see in these verses that Ruth loved Naomi. She loved her so much that she would travel with her. She would stay with her. Ruth would adopt Naomi's people. Ruth claimed Naomi's God as her own. She would die where Naomi died, and she would be buried with her.
Naomi encouraged both of the sisters to return home. Orpah left, but Ruth stayed. Oh, Orpah had affection for Naomi, but it wasn't strong enough to make her stay. She kissed her mother-in-law and returned to Moab. At first, both said they would stay, but Naomi discouraged them. She told them she had absolutely nothing to offer them. No future. No hope.
But Ruth has already decided to stay. Her love was that strong.
So, how's your love? Is it just affection like Orpah's? Or is it commitment like Ruth's? Do you love God enough to give Him your past? Ruth did. She left her family behind. Do you love God enough to give Him your present? Ruth did. She left her home. Do you love Him enough to give Him your future? Ruth did. Her hopes of finding a new husband or making anything of her life were slim. But God blessed her beyond her comprehension.
So now, the big question - how much do you really love God? What will it cost you? Is He worth it?
So take a look at Ruth 1:16-17 - "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me."
We see in these verses that Ruth loved Naomi. She loved her so much that she would travel with her. She would stay with her. Ruth would adopt Naomi's people. Ruth claimed Naomi's God as her own. She would die where Naomi died, and she would be buried with her.
Naomi encouraged both of the sisters to return home. Orpah left, but Ruth stayed. Oh, Orpah had affection for Naomi, but it wasn't strong enough to make her stay. She kissed her mother-in-law and returned to Moab. At first, both said they would stay, but Naomi discouraged them. She told them she had absolutely nothing to offer them. No future. No hope.
But Ruth has already decided to stay. Her love was that strong.
So, how's your love? Is it just affection like Orpah's? Or is it commitment like Ruth's? Do you love God enough to give Him your past? Ruth did. She left her family behind. Do you love God enough to give Him your present? Ruth did. She left her home. Do you love Him enough to give Him your future? Ruth did. Her hopes of finding a new husband or making anything of her life were slim. But God blessed her beyond her comprehension.
So now, the big question - how much do you really love God? What will it cost you? Is He worth it?
Sunday, March 31, 2013
"As He Said"
Today, we celebrate a beautiful story of love and redemption. We celebrate Jesus' life, not His death. This day, known as Easter, is the very foundation of the Christian faith.
Most likely, if you are reading this, you believe that Christ died and rose again three days later, but the Bible tells us that even of those who saw Him after the resurrection "some doubted" (Matthew 28:17). How do you know? How do you know for sure that Christ arose that day?
Look at Mathew 28:6 - "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
"As he said." The angel is here, sitting on the door of the empty tomb showing that Jesus always keeps His Word. Jesus told the disciples over and over again what would happen, and it did! Jesus always keeps His promises...and He said that He is coming back! Isn't that amazing?
But as my pastor said this morning, you may be thinking, "So what?" The question is this: what has the resurrection meant in your life? What difference has it made in your life? Do you take God at His Word? Are you living for Jesus, the one who has the supreme authority? Why don't we just do as He says?
Most likely, if you are reading this, you believe that Christ died and rose again three days later, but the Bible tells us that even of those who saw Him after the resurrection "some doubted" (Matthew 28:17). How do you know? How do you know for sure that Christ arose that day?
Look at Mathew 28:6 - "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
"As he said." The angel is here, sitting on the door of the empty tomb showing that Jesus always keeps His Word. Jesus told the disciples over and over again what would happen, and it did! Jesus always keeps His promises...and He said that He is coming back! Isn't that amazing?
But as my pastor said this morning, you may be thinking, "So what?" The question is this: what has the resurrection meant in your life? What difference has it made in your life? Do you take God at His Word? Are you living for Jesus, the one who has the supreme authority? Why don't we just do as He says?
Friday, March 29, 2013
Have you seen those commercials? You know, hiking boots - $30, Tents - $90, Food - $120. A camping trip with the family - priceless.
Romans 12 tells us many different characteristics of love. Some can be found in verse 9-10. "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;"
Honor. What is honor? Someone who recently spoke in my Sunday school class described it as "to see one as priceless." I thought this was very interesting. We walk around putting a price tag on people. Oh, they're only worth 15 minutes of my time. Oh, she can only hang out with me in private. He's only worth half of my effort. And these are people we call friends!
But Jesus looked at me, His enemy, and he gave me a price tag. It says, "Priceless." Jesus gave up his throne, his home, his friends, his family, and ultimately his life. He paid the price with His blood, something we could never pay back. It is priceless. Jesus saw you and me as worth all this! The Bible tells us to love others as Christ loved us. So, how about it? Do you love others like Christ loves us? Do you see others as priceless?
Romans 12 tells us many different characteristics of love. Some can be found in verse 9-10. "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;"
Honor. What is honor? Someone who recently spoke in my Sunday school class described it as "to see one as priceless." I thought this was very interesting. We walk around putting a price tag on people. Oh, they're only worth 15 minutes of my time. Oh, she can only hang out with me in private. He's only worth half of my effort. And these are people we call friends!
But Jesus looked at me, His enemy, and he gave me a price tag. It says, "Priceless." Jesus gave up his throne, his home, his friends, his family, and ultimately his life. He paid the price with His blood, something we could never pay back. It is priceless. Jesus saw you and me as worth all this! The Bible tells us to love others as Christ loved us. So, how about it? Do you love others like Christ loves us? Do you see others as priceless?
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Call the Ambulance!
"Call 9-1-1! He's not breathing! I think his heart may have stopped!"
The paramedics rushed onto the scene a few moments later. One feels the neck of the patient. No pulse. Immediately, he begins CPR while the others put the man on the stretcher and into the ambulance.
3 John 2 says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." John is wishing this elder good physical health. He knew this elder was spiritually strong. How about you?
What if your physical health was a reflection of your spiritual health? Maybe your diagnosis would be just a common cold, a nuisance. This could be a small sin affecting your life, but it could get worse if you don't take care of it. It could worsen to pneumonia. Or maybe you have cancer, a seemingly small sin that has begun but is rapidly spreading such as bitterness, immorality, or maybe even a lie. You need surgery to cut that tumor out of your body or perhaps chemotherapy that will take weeks or healing. You may need to cut that sin out of life, or it may be a longer healing process of restoring fellowship with God. Maybe you aren't breathing, or you have an eating disorder. Your body is not getting the nutrients that it needs. You aren't in God's Word daily. You don't spend time with Him in prayer. Or maybe your heart has stopped. There is no passion for God, no desire whatsoever to serve Him or love him.
So what is your diagnosis? Are you spiritually healthy? Or will those around you say, "We need the doctor! Call the ambulance!"
The paramedics rushed onto the scene a few moments later. One feels the neck of the patient. No pulse. Immediately, he begins CPR while the others put the man on the stretcher and into the ambulance.
3 John 2 says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." John is wishing this elder good physical health. He knew this elder was spiritually strong. How about you?
What if your physical health was a reflection of your spiritual health? Maybe your diagnosis would be just a common cold, a nuisance. This could be a small sin affecting your life, but it could get worse if you don't take care of it. It could worsen to pneumonia. Or maybe you have cancer, a seemingly small sin that has begun but is rapidly spreading such as bitterness, immorality, or maybe even a lie. You need surgery to cut that tumor out of your body or perhaps chemotherapy that will take weeks or healing. You may need to cut that sin out of life, or it may be a longer healing process of restoring fellowship with God. Maybe you aren't breathing, or you have an eating disorder. Your body is not getting the nutrients that it needs. You aren't in God's Word daily. You don't spend time with Him in prayer. Or maybe your heart has stopped. There is no passion for God, no desire whatsoever to serve Him or love him.
So what is your diagnosis? Are you spiritually healthy? Or will those around you say, "We need the doctor! Call the ambulance!"
Monday, March 18, 2013
Such Small Sin, Such Great Sacrifice
For all sin. For murder, theft, abuse,
immorality. All of these put Christ on the cross. He died for all
The greatness of this fact should never
cease to amaze us. But sometimes, we put so much emphasis on all of
the big sins that I think we forget about the fact that it was all sin that put Christ on the cross. It wasn't just murder that put Him
there. It was that simple lie that you told yesterday, that unkind
thought when someone cut you off in traffic, that angry spirit at a
friend. Christ died for the small things. Even if one of these
seemingly small sins was all that we did, it would still not be
enough to get us into heaven. Christ died for all sins, great and
So as you go throughout the day, think
about those small sins. Those are what He died for. He saved us from
that! So why do we continue in sin? Romans 12:1 tells us that we
should present ourselves as a “living sacrifice” and that this is
our “reasonable service.” Let's not take for granted God's great
grace in saving us from these small sins. May it cause us to live our
lives for Him.
Friday, March 15, 2013
East to West, Not North to South
Psalm 103:12 – As far as the east is
from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
Today, one of my teachers spoke of this
beautiful truth, so I thought I would share it with you. This verse
holds the beautiful truth that Christ removes are sin far from us.
But think about how far this really is. He didn't say the north and
south. Eventually, if you travel on this earth, you will come to the
point where you are going south. Then, when you come around again you
will meet the north because the earth is a sphere.
But God chose the words “east” and
“west.” The east and the west will never touch. You can keep
going around the earth in an eastward direction and you will never
touch west. The same is true if you travel the opposite direction.
You have to physically turn around if you want to go the other
This is how far God separates our sins
from us. They can't be reached. Yes, we will make mistakes and sin
again because we are human. But God forgives when we ask Him too. And
if you know Christ as your personal Savior, His precious blood has
already covered yours sins past, present, and future. That gives us
every reason to live for Him!
So next time you travel east or west,
think about the vastness of God's forgiveness. Think of the beautiful
truth of this verse, and thank Him for what He has done for you.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
When It Hurts to Do Right...Because of Wrong
Sometimes, we learn to do things right
the hard way. For someone like me, it's easy to go through my
personal Christian walk without taking a stand. I just keep to myself
and personally do what I find is right through God's Word. In my
mind, ignorance is bliss. If I don't know about it or it doesn't have
to do with me, I don't have to do anything about it. But I learned
the hard way that this is not the right response.
At my school, we have a time of prayer
that is to be used strictly for that purpose. Last semester, as the
prayer leader, there were a couple of nights where I allowed the
girls to have different parties. The parties were not bad in and of
themselves – just a Christmas or birthday party. But it still
wasn't right because it's a direct disobedience to authority.
I was recently convicted of this lack
of judgment when some of the girls were wanting to throw another
party. So this time, I did the right thing, and I took a stand. I
think that inconsistency from leaders is one of the most frustrating
things. I obviously had not made the right choice on this before, and
now the girls were mad because I went against my own word.
I was a hypocrite.
It was extremely painful when one of
the girls came to me and called me out, but it was exactly what I
needed. God uses difficult situations to shape our lives, and He knew
exactly what I needed to hear...even though it hurt.
I did not even want to confront the
party in the first place because I knew I had a double standard. But
I knew I still had to do the right thing. Even though the results of
the entire situation were not peaceful, God taught me much just about
One key to the Christian life is
consistency. I have to consistently be in God's Word. I have to
consistently pray. I have to consistently do what is right, no matter
what the cost. Doing what is right can be hard, and sometimes, it's
our own faults. But just because you fail once does not mean that you
can't do what is right the next time. Accept your responsibility. Ask
God's forgiveness. Ask forgiveness of others involved. And strive to
do what's right...even when it's hard.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
A Beautiful Story
Tamar the prostitute.
Rahab the harlot.
Ruth the widow.
Bathsheba just another woman.
Mary the virgin.
These five women tell a beautiful story through each of their lives. It is the most beautiful story ever told, the story of salvation. For those of you who have accepted Christ as your Savior, I hope that this reminds you of where you once were and where you now are in Christ. For those of you who have not accepted this gift, please keep reading. You do not know what you are missing.
First, Tamar is an example of each one of us. She is in the line of Christ because of sin. She made herself a prostitute to get what she wanted. Just like Tamar, we are all sinners in need of salvation. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" I need a Savior. You need a Savior. Without him, there is no hope. But the story continues.
Rahab is a woman of faith. In order to receive this gift of salvation, each person must individually place his faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has the power to save you from your sin. John 14:6 says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." And Acts 16:31 says, "Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." It is His promise to us. If you trust Him in faith, He will save you. But how can he do this?
It is a gift of grace. Ruth was graciously taken in marriage by Boaz. He did not have to marry her, but he showed grace - undeserved kindness. We go through this life with very little, if any, thought for God, yet He chose to save you from your sin. It is only by His grace - His undeserved kindness - that we are saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For by grace are we saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Where does His power to save come from? The death of another. Bathsheba is in the line of Christ because David murdered her husband. Jesus Christ died willingly for your sins. It is by his blood that you are saved from death. Ephesians 2:13 says, "But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." But He did not remain dead. He rose again the third day after his death, and now, He lives in heaven. My Savior lives!
You may ask, "Why me?" Mary was chosen to carry the Savior of the world, and God chose to save you! John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God's gift of salvation is free to all people, including you! It doesn't matter what you've done. Simply call out to Him and accept His gift.
Christian, this beautiful story is already yours! Tell someone about it! Friend, if you don't know Christ as your Savior, ask him to be yours today!
Rahab the harlot.
Ruth the widow.
Bathsheba just another woman.
Mary the virgin.
These five women tell a beautiful story through each of their lives. It is the most beautiful story ever told, the story of salvation. For those of you who have accepted Christ as your Savior, I hope that this reminds you of where you once were and where you now are in Christ. For those of you who have not accepted this gift, please keep reading. You do not know what you are missing.
First, Tamar is an example of each one of us. She is in the line of Christ because of sin. She made herself a prostitute to get what she wanted. Just like Tamar, we are all sinners in need of salvation. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" I need a Savior. You need a Savior. Without him, there is no hope. But the story continues.
Rahab is a woman of faith. In order to receive this gift of salvation, each person must individually place his faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has the power to save you from your sin. John 14:6 says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." And Acts 16:31 says, "Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." It is His promise to us. If you trust Him in faith, He will save you. But how can he do this?
It is a gift of grace. Ruth was graciously taken in marriage by Boaz. He did not have to marry her, but he showed grace - undeserved kindness. We go through this life with very little, if any, thought for God, yet He chose to save you from your sin. It is only by His grace - His undeserved kindness - that we are saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For by grace are we saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Where does His power to save come from? The death of another. Bathsheba is in the line of Christ because David murdered her husband. Jesus Christ died willingly for your sins. It is by his blood that you are saved from death. Ephesians 2:13 says, "But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." But He did not remain dead. He rose again the third day after his death, and now, He lives in heaven. My Savior lives!
You may ask, "Why me?" Mary was chosen to carry the Savior of the world, and God chose to save you! John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God's gift of salvation is free to all people, including you! It doesn't matter what you've done. Simply call out to Him and accept His gift.
Christian, this beautiful story is already yours! Tell someone about it! Friend, if you don't know Christ as your Savior, ask him to be yours today!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
A Lineage of Grace
Have you ever had a situation in life where you just couldn't see anything good coming from it? How about a situation where you just don't understand what is going on at all? Or maybe you've been judged, looked down on, or lonely as a result of sin. Maybe you've made such a huge mistake that you think you could never reach God's forgiveness again. Or maybe God just put some trial in your life that others don't understand.
These situations are just a little look at what some of the women in the Bible went through during their lives. Recently, I've been doing a Bible study, and it has been so eye opening. I want to take the next several posts and share these thoughts with you. The study comes from the five women mentioned in the line of Christ in Matthew 1. The women would have been considered insignificant in Bible times, but God used them in amazing ways!
Why study these specific women? I heard a sermon on them a couple years ago, and it has had such and impact on me. It's something I have never forgotten. So I decided to take a deeper look at them. God has truly blessed me in this study, showing me how great He is each and every step of the way. So stayed tuned in. I can't wait to share with you what I have learned!
These situations are just a little look at what some of the women in the Bible went through during their lives. Recently, I've been doing a Bible study, and it has been so eye opening. I want to take the next several posts and share these thoughts with you. The study comes from the five women mentioned in the line of Christ in Matthew 1. The women would have been considered insignificant in Bible times, but God used them in amazing ways!
Why study these specific women? I heard a sermon on them a couple years ago, and it has had such and impact on me. It's something I have never forgotten. So I decided to take a deeper look at them. God has truly blessed me in this study, showing me how great He is each and every step of the way. So stayed tuned in. I can't wait to share with you what I have learned!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Life's Little Things
It's the little things in life that matter most. Those small moments often become our fondest memories. The simple gifts become our favorite treasures. Often times we rush through life wanting the next biggest thing. Maybe it's a new iPhone, a new video game, or the next great concert. But what about a classic story from your grandpa? A family game night? Catching up with an old friend? Or maybe it's curling up with your favorite book, watching the sunset, or hearing a bird sing. Many times it's these memories that we hold onto the longest.
It's time to be content with the simple things of life. Take time and enjoy the little things! It doesn't have to change the course of your entire life. Another way to think of this concept of life's little things is just to count your blessings. I have a special jar sitting by my bed that I like to call my blessings jar. I don't use it near as often as I should. God has given me so much in my life. This is just one way to thank Him for all the little things that happen throughout the day. There is so much I could put in that jar:
I could go on and on. But this blog will just be about the little things that happen in my life. It will probably include all things random! Here are some idea of things I'll be sharing:
It's time to be content with the simple things of life. Take time and enjoy the little things! It doesn't have to change the course of your entire life. Another way to think of this concept of life's little things is just to count your blessings. I have a special jar sitting by my bed that I like to call my blessings jar. I don't use it near as often as I should. God has given me so much in my life. This is just one way to thank Him for all the little things that happen throughout the day. There is so much I could put in that jar:
- He woke me up this morning.
- He gives me the ability to walk down the stairs.
- He gave me a little sister to watch Disney princess movies with.
- He provided my mom and dad with jobs to provide for us.
- I have family that lives nearby that I can have lunch with.
I could go on and on. But this blog will just be about the little things that happen in my life. It will probably include all things random! Here are some idea of things I'll be sharing:
- Crafts I've tried (I love all things crafty!)
- Devotional Thoughts (I love my Jesus!)
- Organizational ideas (I attempt to be organized most of the time.)
- How to thoughts (Maybe how to get the most out of simple things.)
And if you have something you'd like to ask me, go for it! Just stay posted!
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