Thursday, August 1, 2013

You Can't Do This

"You can't do this. You're not good enough. You're not spiritual enough. You just can't do this."

These are the thoughts that flooded my mind all through our week of staff training. It was information overload. You had to know the schedule, the rules, and the basic camp procedures. You're given books to help you counsel and books to tell you where to go. There was no way. And I was absolutely right. There is no way I could ever get through this summer on my own. 

Every summer the wilds staff is given a specific study. This year the theme was pride. You never realize the depth of pride in your life until you really take the time to look at it. We as a staff were all required to read a book about pride and humility before we got to camp. That was convicting in and of itself, and then we heard Tom Farrell preach on it! 

You see, before I came to camp. I didn't think pride was an issue in my life, I was blinded by my own selfishness. And here the first week, I was relying on my abilities to get me through. Pride is self-anything. And I was being self-reliant until I realized that self just wasn't going to cut it for this summer. I needed humility. Humility is recognizing that God is all, self is nothing, and others are more important. This had to be the foundation for my ministry at the wilds. It's all for Gods glory, not my own, and my campers needs are what my focus should be. 

Pride is a constant battle. It's the root of all sin. And honestly, it's something I will struggle with until the day I die. It isn't until we come to the point that we realize we just can't do this that God can begin to do great things in and through your life. Once we humble ourselves before Him, He uses us in ways we never can imagine. We serve a great God who can and will do great things. 

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