Saturday, October 26, 2013

7 Reasons to Love Being Home

It's so easy to get caught up with school and friends...especially in your teenage years! A lot of times we don't even realize what we're missing until we're gone. This was so true of me when I went to college. Before college, I was a social butterfly. I was practically never at home because of school, sports, and friends. But when you leave, you realize all of the reasons that being at home is absolutely the best place to be!

1. Family - These are the people who will always love you and will always be there for you. God planned them just for you. Yes, you'll have your differences and "discussions," but you'll learn to look past them and enjoy all the time that you have.

2. Your own bed - Can you feel it right now? You slip under the covers and just breathe a deep sigh. It's so perfect. 

3. Home-cooked food - This girl loves food, and it's just nice to have the real deal. My college's food is great, but there's nothing like Mom's chicken and baked potatoes. 

4. Sounds - Can you hear the crickets outside your window? The dog is barking next door. The air conditioning unit powers up and down. Pitter-pattering feet and giggles makes everything seem just right. 

5. Free wifi - oh, yes. There's nothing like the freedom of your own internet and no cell phone data charges.

6. Bare feet - The one place you'll take off your shoes and socks and not really worry about who or what's been there. 

7. Weather - It just feels just right at home. It may be hot and sunny; it may be cold and wet. Whatever it is it's familiarity brings you back to that place of comfort. 

I think all of my things can be summed up in one word: comfort. I'm just at ease, comfortable. These are just a few of the things that I always miss at school. What are some of yours? What makes home home to you?

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