Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 Things to be Thankful For

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "In everything give thanks." Everything. Sometimes it's hard to narrow it down to just one thing that I'm thankful for. So, I decided to go with a little more general of a list this week. Here are 3 things that we should always remember to thank God for:

1. What God has done in your life.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the present that we don't even remember what God has done for us in the past. Do you remember any times that you have really seen God work? Did you know that God is the same now as He was at that time? Think back just over the last week. Where have you seen God work in your life? If you haven't seen anything, you may want to step back and reexamine your perspective. We know that God is always there, and He is always working. Be thankful for what He has done!

2. What God will do in your life.

God promises his children blessings when they follow Him. We don't know where God will lead us down the road. If we did know, we might be scared and never follow God's plan. But He always has a purpose, and He is always good. You may not be able to see God working right at this moment, but He has something awesome planned for you! It may not be anything huge like it is in your mind. It could just be those little everyday blessings. Take time to relish what God will do in your future.

3. What God hasn't done and won't do.

Have you ever had something happen that didn't go the way you planned? Maybe you even pitched a temper tantrum in your heart. Oftentimes, we ask for things, and God just says, "No." We don't understand why at that moment, but God sees fit not to give it to us. Later down the road, you will often see why God didn't give you whatever you were desiring. His plan is so much greater than ours! Aren't you glad that we have a God who can see the bigger picture? He knows exactly what we need, and He only does what is good for us. 

On this Thankful Thursday, remember to give thanks in everything. You'll see a changed perspective on your life when you do!

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